
  • 网络Index Investing;index investment
  1. ETF所代表的不同的指数投资主题是导致VaR值产生差异的重要原因。

    The important reason of different VaR is the ETF representing different Index Investing themes .

  2. 尽管分销商和基金经理认为。指数投资可能会加速推动该市场的复苏,但目前看来,在一段时期内全球危机可能会抑制投资者对于海外投资的兴趣。

    It seems the global crisis is likely to have stalled interest in overseas investing for some time , despite a belief among distributors and managers alike that index investing may provide the catalyst .

  3. 指数投资组合的VaR模型及检验

    Index Portfolio VaR Model and Model Tests

  4. 我本人虽然也相信指数投资,但还没那么狂热。

    I am an index believer , but not a zealot .

  5. 证券基金的指数投资组合和绩效度量

    The Index Portfolio and Performance Measurement of Security Investment Fund

  6. 通过指数投资可以更好的分散风险。

    Investing across indices provides more diversification anyway .

  7. 减小指数投资组合跟踪误差的研究

    Study of Index Investment Portfolio Tracing Error

  8. 即便是在华尔街,指数投资似乎也开始占据上风。

    Even on Wall Street , indexing seems to be winning more of the day .

  9. 指数投资及其产品

    Index Investment and Index Investment Products

  10. 由于近几年商品贸易商以及更多的资本对干散货市场运费指数投资兴趣不断扩大。

    There has been considerable interest from the wider investment and commodity trading community in the BDI in recent years .

  11. 本文通过对指数投资不同复制方法的比较分析,阐述了跟踪误差产生的根源和处理方法。

    The paper comparatively analyzes the different methods of index investment and expatiates on the cause and solutions of tracking errors .

  12. 甚至连美国等发达市场中指数投资的真正信仰者,也往往认为中国等新兴市场不那么有效率,因而更适于积极管理型的基金。

    Even true believers in index investing in developed markets such as the us tend to look at emerging markets such as China as being less efficient and therefore more amenable to active managers .

  13. 所以,如果你在1975年的时候向全球股市指数投资了1000美元,此后一直持有投资并将派息进行再投资,那么36年后,你的资金将增长至74000美元。

    So if you had invested $ 1,000 in a global stock index in 1975 and just left the money there , reinvesting dividends , over the next 36 years your money would have grown to $ 74,000 .

  14. 我国新投资基金已经有三年的发展历程,从一开始的积极投资发展到指数投资,投资目标趋于多元化,基金的持股时间相对拉长。

    From the beginning of the active investment to the index investment , our new investment funds have been developing for three years . The funds have tended to the various investment areas and the longer holding-time of stocks .

  15. 本文将t-Copula函数结合GARCH-t模型来对沪深指数的投资组合进行MonteCarlo模拟,以度量证券市场的风险。

    This article will measure the risk of the securities market including CSI Index by combining t-Copula Functions with GARCH-t model based on Monte Carlo simulations approach .

  16. 最后,以对ETF基金未来的发展作为结尾,指数化投资必将成为未来基金业发展的一个重要方向。

    Finally , by will take the ending to the ETF fund future development , the exponentiate investment will will certainly into a future investment funds industry development important direction .

  17. 作为新一代的指数化投资基金,ETFs是近10年来国际投资市场中最主要同时也是最重要的金融产品创新之一。

    As a newly emerged indexing investment funds , ETFs is among the major and most important new financial products in the international investment market in the last ten years .

  18. 在向美国国会作证时,亿万富翁投资者乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)谈到了石油和其它大宗商品“正在形成的泡沫”,他补充称,投资机构通过指数基金投资期货市场的能力,扩大了价格涨幅。

    George Soros , the billionaire investor , spoke of " a bubble in the making " in oil and other commodities in testimony to Congress , adding that the ability of investment institutions to invest in the futures market through index funds was exaggerating price rises .

  19. 2005年2月23日,上证50ETF在上海证券交易所挂牌交易,这标志着融合投资、交易和短线操作为一体的全新指数型投资工具登陆中国证券市场。

    On February 23 , 2005 . 50ETF ( Exchange Traded Fund ) of Shanghai Securities is listed in Shanghai Securities Exchange , which indicates the new indexation investment tool that concentrates on investment , trading and short-term investment emerged on securities market in China .

  20. 指数化投资理论与实践及我国的借鉴

    On the Index - based Investment Theory and Its Practice

  21. 基于免疫记忆克隆算法的指数化投资组合优化构建策略

    Optimal Portfolio Selection for Index Investing Based on Immune Memory Clonal Algorithm

  22. 指数化投资对成分股票定价的影响

    The Effect of Index Investing on the Stock Prices

  23. 指数化投资中复制方法的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Replication Method of Index Investment

  24. 指数化投资及其在我国的适用性研究

    Analysis on the Applicability of Index Investment in China

  25. 贝塔可以廉价地获得,只需通过跟踪某个指数的投资基金。

    Beta can be captured cheaply by investment funds that replicate an index .

  26. 并首次运用了夏普等指数对投资组合进行度量。

    And for the first time using a sharp index on portfolio effectiveness measure .

  27. 指数化投资理论、方法及实证研究

    A Theoretical and Empirical Research on Indexing

  28. 随着指数化投资的增长,准确理解指数化投资的经济影响变得越来越重要。

    The growing importance of indexing makes an understanding of its economic consequences an important question .

  29. 指数化投资的风险评估与预测:基于中国指数基金的实证研究

    Risk evaluation and prediction of indexing : Based on an empirical study of Chinese index funds

  30. 在客户的心目中,看起来2008年似乎证明了指数化投资的优势。

    It looks as though 2008 confirmed the case for index investing in consumers ' minds .