
  1. 《指环王》中的树人Ente可以通过行走四处移动。

    The tree people in the Lord of the Rings — the Ents --- can get around by walking .

  2. 还有《指环王》(TheLordoftheRings,包括原著小说和拉尔夫·巴克希[RalphBakshi]的动画片);

    There was " The Lord of the Rings " ( the books and Ralph Bakshi 's animated movie ) ;

  3. 据悉,系列电视剧《指环王》将由亚马逊工作室与托尔金遗产信托公司、哈珀柯林斯出版集团以及华纳兄弟旗下影业公司NewLineCinema联合制作。

    The Amazon LOTR series will be produced in-house at Amazon Studios alongside the Tolkien Estate and Trust , publisher HarperCollins and Warner Bros. Entertainment 's New Line Cinema .

  4. 他也为彼得•杰克逊(PeterJackson)执导的《指环王》三部曲设计了打斗场面。

    Mr. Wolf designed fighting styles for battle scenes in Peter Jackson 's ' Lord of the Rings ' trilogy .

  5. 亚马逊工作室于日前宣布,他们已经买下J·R·R·托尔金的畅销小说《指环王》系列的全球电视剧版权。

    Amazon Studios announced that it has acquired global television rights to the Lord of the Rings franchise , based on the best-selling novels by J.R.R. Tolkien .

  6. J•R•R•托尔金的《指环王》让我们目睹了矮人族、精灵族和巫师之间善与恶的战争。

    The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien takes us to Middle-earth to witness a battle of good and evil with dwarves , elves and wizards .

  7. 目前,音乐剧《指环王》正在招募演员扮演英国作家J·R·R·托尔金笔下的穴居矮人,该剧取材于托尔金撰写的那部具有史诗风格的名著。

    Producers of a musical version of " The Lord of the Rings " are looking for candidates to play the hobbit heroes in the epic fantasy based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic .

  8. 这部改编自乔治·R·R·马丁《冰与火之歌》系列奇幻小说的地理政治剧可算一部史诗巨作,相比之下,《指环王》都感觉像是Cliff'sNote学习指南了。

    The geopolitical drama that unfolds in George R.R. Martin 's Song of Ice and Fire series is so epic in scope that it can make Lord of the Rings feel like Cliff 's Notes .

  9. 这对新婚夫妇的小女儿维特·维多利亚(WinterVictoriea)与到场嘉宾所穿的服装是由奥斯卡服装最佳设计师尼吉拉·迪克森(NgilaDickson)设计。她以为电影《指环王》(TheLordofRing)设计服装而出名。

    The couple 's infant daughter Winter Victoria and the guests were dressed by Oscar-winning costume designer Ngila Dickson , known for her work on The Lord of the Rings films .

  10. 相比之下,《指环王》(LordoftheRings)三部曲的票房收入是递增的,最后一部《王者归来》(TheReturnoftheKing)全球票房超过11亿美元。

    To compare , the ' Lord of the Rings ' films made progressively more money , with the final film , ' The Return of the King , ' grossing more than $ 1.1 billion worldwide .

  11. 它根据地理位置和共同的爱好,比如钟爱蠢朋克乐队(DaftPunk)或电影《指环王》(LordoftheRings),提醒人们注意附近的其他用户。

    One notifies people of other nearby users , called " matches , " based on location and shared interests , like an affinity for Daft Punk or Lord of the rings .

  12. 《指环王》三部曲,JRR托尔金

    The Lord of The Rings , JRR Tolkien

  13. 没有这部电影,我们可能永远不会有凭借CGI成功塑造的形象,比如《指环王》系列的咕噜(Gollum)。

    Without this movie , we would never have such icons of CGI achievement as Gollum from the Lord of the Rings series .

  14. PBS节目星之扉的主持人杰克·霍克海默称这次月食为月亮,指环王,狮心之月食

    Jack Horkheimer , host of the PBS show " Star Gazer ," called the event " the moon , the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse . "

  15. 一名大学生在另外一项研究中提到,父亲曾在睡前给他讲故事,给他念了整个《指环王》(LordoftheRings)三部曲,他说这是促使他成年后建立和保持亲密家庭关系的一个因素。

    A college student who participated in a different study cited bedtime-reading sessions with his father , who read him the entire ' Lord of the Rings ' trilogy , as a motivator to build and maintain strong family ties in his adult life .

  16. 《我的世界》玩家已经造出了游轮、火箭船甚至是初级计算机,还用像素完美还原出了《指环王》中的米那斯提力斯城堡(MinasTirith)。

    Minecraft players have made cruise liners , rocket ships and even basic computers , as well as pixel-perfect recreations of Minas Tirith in Lord of the Rings .

  17. 例如,轰动一时的指环王,它的剧本基于J.R.R.Tolkien的名著,几乎每天都在和演员的交互后进行修改。

    For example , the script for the blockbuster Lord of the Rings , based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic masterpiece , was rewritten almost every day after interaction with the actors .

  18. 该项在线调查显示,多数男性选择的是J.R.R.托尔金的《指环王》,女性选择的则是玛格丽特•米歇尔的《飘》。

    Men chose J.R.R.Tolkien 's " The Lord of the Rings " and women selected Margaret Mitchell 's " Gone With the Wind " as their second-favorite book , according to the online poll .

  19. 就像作家J.R.R托尔金的《指环王》前传《霍比特人》一样,《神奇动物在哪里》将被拆分成三部曲。

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is following in the footsteps of J.R.R Tolkien 's The Lord of the Rings prequel The Hobbit , and will be divided into three stories .

  20. 杰克逊原本计划将托尔金(J.R.R.Tolkien)很受欢迎的儿童探险小说改编为两部电影,但他根据托尔金《指环王》小说的附录和一些原书中的叙述线索增加了部分内容,将《霍比特人》扩展为三部曲电影。

    Originally , Jackson had intended to spread his adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien 's beloved children 's adventure novel over two films , but he expanded the ' Hobbit ' slate to three films as he added material based on Tolkien 's ' Lord of the Rings ' appendices as well as some original narrative threads .

  21. 指环王2:双塔奇谋

    THE LORD OF THE RINGS : Two Towers On WANG Hong

  22. 我在看《指环王》的时候非常兴奋。

    When I watched the Lord of Rings I was excited .

  23. 她为“指环王爱”的作用。

    Her love for " Lord of the Rings " followed .

  24. 你高中的时候难道没看过”指环王”?

    Didn 't you read Lord of theRings in high school ?

  25. 《指环王》中的矮人和精灵吸引了大量的游客来到新西兰。

    Hobbits and elves have been drawing tourists to New Zealand .

  26. 指环王:中士战争

    The Lord of the Rings : Battle for Middle Earth

  27. 2001-2003年:《指环王三部曲》(白袍巫师萨鲁曼)

    Saruman the White The Lord of the Rings Trilogy ( 2001-3 )

  28. 但这是指环王的冰上表演。

    But it 's Lord of the rings on ice .

  29. 《指环王》里永恒的浪漫台词:

    This eternally romantic line from Lord of the Rings :

  30. 他背一个有“指环王”标志的背包。

    He 'll have a " lord of the rings " backpack .