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  1. 我所说的“屏幕”并不一定就是指实实在在的方盒子。

    When I say screen , I don 't necessarily mean a solid box .

  2. 资本额资本化所得到的数额本法所称资本额,于营造业以股份有限公司设立者,系指实收资本额。

    Where a construction enterprise is established as a joint stock limited company , the capital mentioned in this Act refers to the paid-up capital .

  3. 主、宾语在句法位置上的不对称是导致汉语主语定指或实指限制的根源所在。

    Thirdly , the syntactic asymmetry of subject and object is the source of the semantic restriction of Chines subjects .

  4. 所谓汉语主语、话题的定指或实指限制是就事态句中的弱限定词无定名词短语而言。

    Second , the well known view that Chinese subject and topic must be identifiable or specific is only true for NPs with weak determiners in eventuality sentences .

  5. 为兼顾会计要素价值评估的决策有用性和便于运用的成本效益原则,指出现实性是沟通历史性与未来性的桥梁。

    In order to give consideration to " useful decision making " in the value assessment of accounting elements and the easy using of " cost-effective principle ", he proposes that the bridge of " historical cost " and " future value " is " present value " .

  6. 根据作者对《内经》“神脏”概念的理解,考证“藏象”的本义,认为“象”是指各个脏实体内都具有的基本微观解剖结构。

    According to the understanding of the Zangxiang in Huangdi Neijing , The original meaning of the Zangxiang , Xiang is the micro anatomy structure in Zang .

  7. 狭义的文本指一个实实在在的文学文本,广义的文本则指包括一切可以产生意义的符号实体,如绘画、音乐、舞蹈、广告和互联网等。

    In a narrow sense , a text refers to a real literary text , but in a broad sense it includes all entities which can produce meaningful symbols , such as painting , music , dance , advertisements , the Internet and so on .

  8. 在本文中,实然是指我国实时实态地正在发生或曾经存在的,具有代表性的科学有效的幼儿园课程实践。

    In this article , the " reality " refers to the representative , scientific and effective kindergarten curriculum practice , which exists now or once existed in China .

  9. 所谓物首先是指一个当前实存着的物而言,是我们感官所能表象的一种东西,于是人们也就在这一意义下,说灵魂是感官所能表象之物。

    By a thing , we mean , firstly , an immediate existence , something we represent in sensuous form : and in this meaning the term has been applied to the soul .

  10. 现代艺术中各类艺术家创造了丰富的视觉图示符号并在赋予图式符号丰富内涵同时将这些符号的能指与所指实现在各类现代艺术的语言和形式中。

    Modern art of all kinds of artists to create rich visual graphic symbols and symbols in a given schema rich connotation at the same time to the signifier and the signified of the symbol in the language and form of of all kinds of modern art .

  11. 刑事违法性中所指的法应指法律规范而非法律条文,指实定法而非应然法,指具体的法律规则而非抽象的法律原则或公共政策。

    The real meaning of criminal illegality is that it is not the legal provisions but the legal norms which are violated .