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  1. 首先是骈体文创作方面。刘宋皇室那些昭示国人的诏令和宗室的表奏之作多为骈体。

    Liu Song imperial edict that need more clear to people in the imperial clan of the table and playing for long on the parallel style .

  2. 周贻白提出的戏剧本为上演而设,非奏之场上不为功的原则贯穿于周贻白的整个中国戏剧史研究之中,从而扭转了自王国维以来视戏曲为文学的研究模式。

    Principle on " drama designs to perform originally , especially for theater " that Zhou Yibai put forward runs through his whole studying in the history of Chinese opera , and changes the research mode that Wang Guowei has started .

  3. 小提琴手奏鸣之时,声声皆入耳。

    That when the fiddler plays all their voices can be heard .

  4. 在死亡缓缓而来,清晰可见的时候,建筑终于成为奏出弥撒之曲的一个圣所。

    As getting closer and closer to the death , he finally makes his architecture the Sanctuary , which can play the song of Mass .

  5. 肖邦《降B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》之标题性

    The Theme of Sonata B flat Minor Piano by Chopin