
  1. 近代以来,教师的称谓随着时代变革发生了巨大的变化,从洋务运动兴办新式学堂中教习到清末的《奏定学堂章程》中教员;

    Tremendous changes in teachers ' title took place in modern times in China .

  2. 自清末1903年颁布《奏定学堂章程》规定在各级学校开设体操科至今,我国的学校体育已经走过一百余年的发展历程。

    Since the Constitution of Zou Ding Xue Tang requested that gymnastic course should be offered to all schools in 1903 , physical education has passed more ten one hundred years in our country .

  3. 1904年清政府公布《奏定学堂章程》,2003年教育部颁布《普通高中语文课程标准》,我国高中语文课程标准经历了百年的变迁。

    From the Qing government issuing 1903 School System in 1904 to Ministry of Education issuing Chinese Course Standard of senior middle School in 2003 , the curriculum standard of Chinese senior middle school has been developed for 100 years .

  4. 《奏定学堂章程》的颁布实施,不仅实现了中国教育的制度化,而且使中国教师发展由自发走向了自为的专业化发展。

    The publication and implementation of " Presented School Regulation " promulgated in 1904 not only made the Chinese education more systematic , but also made the professional development of Chinese teachers from the state of spontaneous to the state of being conscious .

  5. 纵观20世纪上半叶语文学科高中作文教学发展轨迹,大体可以作出这样的划分:1.以1902年《钦定学堂章程》和1904年《奏定学堂章程》颁布为标志的开端期;

    The development orbit of composition teaching in high school in the first half of 20th century can be divided as the follows : 1.School rules made by emperor order in 1902 and school rules approved by emperor in 1904 are regarded as the beginning period ;

  6. 清末洋务派代表人物张之洞1903年制定了《奏定学堂章程》,其中文学研究法的课程方案反映了文学理论学科早期发展的情况。

    Zhang Zhi-dong , a representative of the Westernization Movement at the end of Qing Dynasty , constituted in 1903 a draft of university learning , in which the course description of " Methods of Literary Study " reveals the earliest disciplinary development of " literary theory " in China .