
zòu shū
  • memorial to the throne
奏疏 [zòu shū]
  • [memorial to the throne] 奏章,递交给皇室或皇帝的备忘录

  • 向皇帝呈交了一份长长的奏疏

  1. 主要从公文奏疏等书面语言、避讳的普遍化、官场交际三个方面出发,结合古代文献和古代名著中的相关实例,加以阐释。

    Mainly from the " official documents such as written language memorial to the throne ," " tried to avoid generalization ," " bureaucratic communication " three pronged approach , combining the ancient masterpiece of ancient literature and the related examples to elaborate .

  2. 一个昏君是不会用多少时间来批复奏疏的。

    A fatuous and self-indulgent ruler wouldn 't spend much time reading and replying to memorials .

  3. 奏疏中用《易》体现了黄道周浓厚的史官意识,其中蕴含着《易》-智-讽谏的传统范式。

    It reflected Huang Daozhou 's strong sense of historiographer , and implied the traditional paradigm in Book of Changes-intelligent satirical expostulation .

  4. 西汉灾异奏疏是以当时天人合一的哲学为思想基础的,它的兴盛同西汉中晚期的国事日非,社会混乱有密切关系。

    The prosperity of the long memorial on the calamity and abnormal phenomenon is based on the philosophy of the harmony between man and nature in Western Han Dynasty .

  5. 许多皇子利用谏诤和奏疏向皇帝提出自己的意见或建议,使皇帝做出比较正确的决策,促进了李唐社会的稳定。

    Many princes put forward their own views or recommendations by dissuasions and memorials to the emperors , which facilitate the emperors to make the right decisions and maintain social stability .