
  1. 《剧说》不是焦循的独创作品,而是在别人著作基础上的加工之作。

    Notes of drama were written on the basis of another unknown person 's works .

  2. 学术界多关注焦循其书,对《孟子赵注补正》有所疏忽。

    Academic pays more attention to the Jiao Xun books and neglects the Zhao note corrections .

  3. 一些出版物认为八卷本《扬州图经》的作者为焦循、江藩。

    Some publications hold the opinion that the authors of the eight volume Illustrative History of Yangzhou are Jiao Xun and Jiang Fan .

  4. 明清两代,有四部以“孟子”为书名前冠的著作,作者分别是黄宗羲、戴震、焦循、康有为。

    During the Ming and Qing Dynasties there were four works partly entitled Mencius , Written by Huang Zongxi , Dai Zhen , Jiao Xun , Kang Youwei .

  5. 在扬州学派代表人物中,汪中、焦循、阮元等人对扬州地方史的研究又各有重点和特色。这对于我们从事区域史研究,为地方经济建设和文化建设服务有一定参考价值。

    Among all representatives of Yangzhou School of Thought , Wang Zhong , Jiao Xun and Ruan Yuan had their own emphasis and characteristics in the research on the Yangzhou local history .

  6. 以焦循所撰《尚书补疏》为考察对象,分析焦循对《尚书》这部古经意义的新探索。

    Aiming at the " Shang - shu - bu - shu " by Jiao Xun , the paper analyzes the new research of the ancient significance of " Shang - shu " by Jiao Xun .

  7. 然而同时代亦出现了焦循的《孟子正义》。《孟子正义》集义理、考据于一体,是清代《孟子》学研究的集大成之作,是清《孟子》学成就最高者。

    But there are also Jiao Xun " Mencius justice " among the contemporaries ," the Mencius justice " set principles , textual research in a body is the outside work to study of Mencius in the Qing dynasty and is the highest academic achievements of Mencius research .