
  1. 探析焦裕禄精神中以人为本的执政理念

    Jiao Spirit of People-oriented Concept of Governance

  2. 焦裕禄同志逝世后,兰考人民为了缅怀他,专门为他建立了兰考焦裕禄纪念园。

    Now , people in Lankao , in order to remember him , has built a Memorial garden of Jiao Yulu .

  3. 在文章的最后,还将对沈浩的典型宣传与焦裕禄的典型宣传做一个泛化的比较。

    At the end of the article , I will make a generalization compare between the propaganda of Shen Hao and Jiao Yulu .

  4. 弘扬焦裕禄精神创造出经得起实践、人民、历史检验的政绩

    Carry forward Jiao Yulu 's Spirit and Create the Achievements That Can Be Tested by the Practice , the People and the History

  5. 今天,我们来谈谈中国的另一个伟人,焦裕禄。莉莉,你能告诉我们关于他的一些情况吗?

    Today , let 's talk about one of the greatest man in China , his name is Jiao Yulu . Lily , could you tell me something about him .