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  1. 论钱穆《中国近三百年学术史》&兼与梁启超《中国近三百年学术史》的比较

    Review of Academic History of China of the Past 300 Years by Qian Mu

  2. 梁启超、钱穆《中国近三百年学术史》的著述思想之辨异

    On the Writing Thought in History of China 's Academics in the 300 Years by Liang Qi-chao and Qian Mu

  3. 《中国近三百年学术史》是钱穆潜心研究清代学术史的力作,也是二十世纪中国史学名著之一。

    History of China 's Academics in the 300 Years by QIAN Mu is the work of Academic Learning of Qing Dynasty .

  4. 钱穆的《中国近三百年学术史》是中国近代史学领域的一部经典之作。

    Academic History of China of the past 300 Years , written by Qian Mu , is one of the masterpieces in Chinese modern history .

  5. 梁启超和钱穆同名的《中国近三百年学术史》,代表着两种不同的学术史范式,在体例渊源、写作宗旨等方面都有很大的不同。

    Liang Qichao and Qian Mu have ever wrote successively two works on the academical history of Qing dynasty with the same name " Academical History of China of the Last Three Hundred Years " .