
  1. 这不但解决了诸史书中关于魏收26岁兼任中书侍郎的年代之含糊问题,同时也确证了缪钺先生对魏收生于507年的推测。

    Not only does this result solve , the ambiguous problem ( the time of beginning Zhong Shu Shi Lang ) , but also it gives a proof to the guess that Wei Shou was born in 507 AD by Mr Miu Yue .

  2. 从“寻”、“俄”二字所连接的前后时间跨度进行考索,认为魏收于普泰二年(532年)兼中书侍郎的可能性很大。

    This thesis firstly tests the divided periods by words of " soon " and " presently " and thinks it is possible for Wei Shou to be a part time officer as Zhong Shu Shi Lang in the second year of PU TAI ( 532 AD ) .