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yōnɡ bīnɡ zì zhònɡ
  • 熟语maintain an army and defy orders from the central government
  1. 至唐代末期,三峡井盐业成为军阀拥兵自重的主要经济支撑。

    At the end of Tang Dynasty , the well salt industry there became the economic backbone of the local warlords .

  2. 安史之乱给唐代政治体制带来的最根本的改变是中央集权的进一步丧失,以及由此而产生的朝廷威信和统治能力的降低,这突出地表现在节度使的拥兵自重及宦官干预政务中。

    The essential change in politics is the further diminishing of the centralization of authority , which discredited the imperial government 's prestige and weakened its control .

  3. 近些年,国内饮料企业正经历着行业最为艰苦的成长洗牌,无论是拥兵自重的跨国大企业,还是人单力薄的国内小公司,营销资源都是有限的。

    In recent years , the domestic beverage manufacturers are experiencing the most difficult period in the industry . Marketing resources are limited , regardless of strong multinational enterprises or small company .

  4. 最著名的例子当属战国时期(公元前476年-公元前221年),由于周王朝的衰落,王权旁落分散到了十个拥兵自重,其势已成的诸侯王手中。

    One of the most notable examples of this dynamic was the Warring States Period ( 476-221 BCE ) when the downfall of the Zhou Dynasty created a power vacuum that was filled by the establishment of ten smaller fiefdoms which evolved into full-fledged states boasting significant military power .

  5. 但是经过黄巾起义,东汉政府已经摇摇欲坠,各洲牧、太守纷纷拥兵自重,地方豪强为了共同利益,形成利益共同体,并推举德高望重或有能力的人当统帅,东汉政权已经名存实亡。

    However , the various local feudal lords ended up with strong political and military strength . In addition , for fearing of that they might lose their local control , these local lords united and elected the capable and celebrated lord their leader , therefore the Eastern Han authoriy was severely shaken and became virtually a puppet one .