
  • 网络crowded cities
  1. 阿姆斯特丹是欧洲最拥挤的城市之一。

    Amsterdam is one of the most crowded cities in Europe .

  2. 在拥挤的城市里,基坑开挖设计已逐步由强度控制转向变形控制。

    The design of excavation controlled by strength has switched to the one controlled by deformation step by step in crowded cities .

  3. 他认为,过于拥挤的城市是一个建立在“自私”和“贪婪”基础上的体系的产物。

    He argued that the overcrowded cities were the product of a system based on ' selfishness ' and ' rapacity ' .

  4. 广州是个拥挤的城市!

    Guangzhou is a crowded city !

  5. 我得说,这是个非常繁忙拥挤的城市。

    It 's very busy and crowded , I should say .

  6. 人口外溢人们从过于拥挤的城市向人口相对稀疏的地区的迁移运动。

    Movement of people from overcrowded cities to less populated areas .

  7. 房子的屋顶重叠在这个拥挤的城市的上空。

    The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city .

  8. 人们到海边以摆脱拥挤的城市。

    People moved to the seaside to escape the crowded cities .

  9. 在拥挤的城市,路边停车是很重要的。

    It is important to parallel park in the crowded city .

  10. 他周游印度各地拥挤的城市和贫穷污秽的乡村。

    He toured India 's engorged cities and squalid villages .

  11. 它也是中国南部一座拥挤的城市。

    It is a very crowded city in the south of China .

  12. 在拥挤的城市里,更多的穷人住在危房中。

    More people live in poverty in vulnerable buildings in crowded cities .

  13. 北京被看成是世界上交通最拥挤的城市。

    Beijing has been described as the world 's most congested city .

  14. 我们住在交通拥挤的城市里。

    We live in cities that are choked with traffic .

  15. 因此,轨道交通施工将会使本来就拥挤的城市交通更加不堪负重。

    Thus , subway construction will make the city traffic even more unbearable .

  16. 这些拥挤的城市是传染病传播的绝佳环境。

    These crowded cities are the perfect environment for the transmission of infection .

  17. 又或许这只是因为我们拥挤的城市没有足够的空间。

    And there may simply not be enough space in our crowded cities .

  18. 在拥挤的城市中,地铁是一种突破,为人们带来了便利。

    In a city chokes by congestion , the subway was a breakthrough .

  19. 在拥挤的城市里,五星级酒店外找不到高级的购物区。

    Its crowded cities have few upscale shopping areas outside of five-star hotels .

  20. 在这座过于拥挤的城市中,疾病猖獗。

    Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city .

  21. 但是这种方法也会占有许多土地,使本来拥挤的城市变得更拥挤。

    But it will take up so much land that crowded cities become more crowded .

  22. 由于地下的不确定性,特别是在拥挤的城市,非开挖施工常面临极大的风险。

    Trenchless construction faces significant risks as underground uncertainty , especially in a congested city .

  23. 这是一个拥挤的城市,这又是一个空寂的城市。

    This is a crowded city , yet this is a quiet , empty city .

  24. 瓦拉纳西是一个拥挤的城市,过去几十年来,其基础设施几乎没有什么变化。

    Varanasi is a crowded city and its infrastructure has hardly changed in the past decades .

  25. 例如迪拜,它既是一个总是很空旷的城市,也是一个总是很拥挤的城市。

    Dubai , for instance , is a city that is both permanently empty and permanently full .

  26. 这是一个拥挤的城市,而且我的方向感也不好。

    The strip is crowded , and I have a shitty sense of direction as it is .

  27. 你觉得这个城市怎么样?我得说,这是个非常繁忙拥挤的城市。

    What do you think of the city ? Its very busy and crowded , I should say .

  28. 这个网站的建设和街道的关系,是在一个拥挤的城市很不寻常的一年。

    The relationship of this building of the site and the street is an unusual one in a crowded city .

  29. 美国的劳动力增多,工人们抛弃了拥挤的城市投向遥远的郊区,这正需要长途通勤。

    America 's workforce grew . Its workers abandoned tight-knit cities for ever more far-flung suburbs , requiring longer commutes .

  30. 研究人员说,大多数物种完全无法应对噪音对它们的影响,也无法适应拥挤的城市栖息地,最终只能逃到乡下去。

    The researchers say most species simply can 't handle the noise and cramped habitats of the city , and head to the country .