
  • 网络sewage treatment capacity
  1. 提高曝气池污水处理能力的可行性实践

    Practice of Improving Sewage Treatment Capacity in Aeration Tank

  2. 随着城市城镇污水处理能力的提高,污泥处置对城市建设发展及生态环境保护需求具有重要意义。

    With the improvement of urban sewage treatment capacity , sludge disposal on the development of urban construction and environmental protection has great significance .

  3. 对废水处理系统进行了改进,提升了污水处理能力,减轻了后续生化处理的负荷,新增了AMS(α-甲基苯乙烯)加氢系统,副产物循环利用。

    We increased the wastewater treatment ability and decreased the subsequent biochemical treatment load . AMS hydrogenation system has been added and by-product has been recycled and reused .

  4. 不同排水条件下土地处理系统的污水处理能力不同。

    The capacity of a wastewater land treatment system varied with field drainage conditions .

  5. 目前,全国绝大多数城市的污水处理能力远远满足不了实际需要。

    Currently , capacities of sewage treatment in most of cities across the country are far from enough to meet the practical requirements .

  6. 河南省污水处理能力也得到了很大的提升,因为河南省首先在国内完成了县级城市污水处理厂的建设。

    Henan finished the county class municipal wastewater treatment plant construction in china , and the wastewater treatment capability has been enhanced in recent years .

  7. 但是,由于该湿地水力效率并不是在入流流量恒定状态下所计算得到的,能否真实反映衡水湖的污水处理能力需要进一步的论证。

    However , since the hydraulic efficiency is not obtained at a constant flow condition , whether it can represent the waste-water treatment efficiency is uncertain .

  8. 近年来,随着我国城市污水处理能力的提高,污泥的产量也在逐渐增加。

    In recent years , with the improvement of ability in municipal wastewater treatment , more and more sewage sludge has also been produced in our country .

  9. 改造工程采用高效澄清池取代原机械搅拌澄清池,提高澄清池混合反应效率及污水处理能力和出水水质。

    The high-efficiency clarifier is used instead of the original mechanic stirring clarifier , which improves the mixed reaction efficiency thus the process of wastewater capacity and wastewater quality .

  10. 解决问题的途径主要是依靠漓江流域增加水资源调蓄能力与节水,增强污水处理能力,逐步实现污水资源化,实现生态节水型的目标。

    Increasing reservoir flood routing capability and saving water are approaches to solve the water problem . Meanwhile the capability of sewage disposal must be enhanced to have wastewater reused .

  11. 到2015年,各市县区需新增污水处理能力55万m~3/d,需投资9.90亿元;

    By 2015 , the total sewerage treatment capacity of the cities and counties should be increased with 550,000m3 / d , with an investment of RMB 990 million Yuan ;

  12. 湿地入流口和出流口位置对湿地水力效率也有重要影响。论文还对衡水湖湿地的水力效率进行了数值模拟,计算结果表明,衡水湖的污水处理能力处于一个比较低的水平。

    The hydraulic efficiency of a natural wetland , Hengshui Lake , is also discussed in this study , which indicates that the waste-water treatment efficiency of Hengshui Lake is at a low level .

  13. 尤其是一些发展迅速的城市,几乎过半的污染物未经处理就直接排入河流和湖泊,这些都对城市用水以及污水处理能力提出了更高的要求。

    Particularly in some cities which are developing fast , almost more than half pollutants are directly put into rivers or lakes without being dealt with . These were all put for-ward the higher requirement to the used water and wastewater treatment ability .

  14. 通过对人工湿地植物生理生态特性如气体代谢、光合作用、逆境生理等问题研究,筛选出优良植物品种,从而有利于充分发挥湿地植物功能,提高人工湿地污水处理能力。

    To strength and enhance the roles of plants and the wastewater purification function of artificial wetland , the physiological ecology of plants such as gas transportation and exchange , photosynthesis and stressed physiology should be studied further to select optimum plants and suitable artificial wetland .

  15. 因为UASB方法展示的国内和工业污水的处理能力,在初期研究中,我们研究了UASB治理禽类屠宰污水的表现。

    Because of demonstrated capacity of UASB approaches for both domestic and industrial wastes , we investigated , in a preliminary study , the performance of a UASB treating poultry slaughter wastewater .

  16. 紫外线增强污水生化处理能力相关基础问题探讨

    Theoretical Problems Discussion on UV Enhanced Biological Sewage Degradation

  17. 从而在生物修复技术中找到既可以提高系统对污水的处理能力和处理效果,又能够解决人工土快滤系统中有机质积累和堵塞问题。

    ASRI is a friendly way for sewage treatment , but organic matter accumulation and its clogging are one of the most important problems of ASRI .

  18. 新增城镇污水日处理能力1500万立方米、垃圾日处理能力6万吨。

    In urban areas , the daily sewage treatment capacity will increase by 15 million cubic meters and the daily garbage disposal capacity will grow by 60,000 tons .

  19. 通过现场中试试验测定了该套工艺装置对溢流污水的处理能力,平均去除率为:SS:70%;COD:50%;

    In the site pilot-scale experiment , measure the treating ability for the overflow wastewater which can reach : the average removal rate of the SS : 70 % , COD : 50 % , TP : 85 % .

  20. 邯钢污水处理厂设计能力10×104m3/d,采用斜板沉淀和重力过滤工艺。

    The design and features of sewage treatment plant of Han Steel , its capacity is 10 x 104m3 / d and process is slant-plate deposit and gravity filtering .

  21. 潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统硝化能力研究

    Study on Ability of Nitrification in a Subsurface Constructed Wetland System Treating Sewage

  22. 大连市凌水河污水处理厂处理能力6.0×104m3/d。

    The capacity of Lingshui River Sewage Treatment Plant in Dalian is 6.0 × 104 m3 / d.

  23. 对污水处理厂现状处理能力和污水来水总量进行分析。

    We analyzed the disposal ability and come quantity of used water in sewage factory .

  24. 在曝气池中添加悬浮填料对传统活性污泥法进行改进,改造工程简单,并可使原有污水处理场的处理能力及脱氮能力大大提高;

    It is simple to improve traditional activated sludge process by adding suspended carriers into aeration basin , which can also greatly increase the treatment capacity and denitrification capacity of original wastewater treatment plant .

  25. 认为细胞固定化技术具有活性高、可反复利用和对高浓度氨氮污水有较强的处理能力,适于处理城市污水。

    The conclusion is that the immobilized cell technology has the advantage of high activity , repeating using and wastewater in nitrogen in ammonia in high density stronger handle ability , can be used in city wastewater .

  26. 随着我国城镇化水平不断提高,污水处理设施建设高速发展,城市污水处理能力越来越强,伴随产生大量的剩余污泥。

    With the increasing level of urbanization in China , sewage treatment facilities construction is developed at a high rate of speed , urban sewage treatment capacity is growing , at the same time , a large amount of sludge is leaved .

  27. 20年来流域废污水大多为超标排放,说明流域废污水处理能力和水平普遍较低。

    The majority of wastewater in the basin is discharged while exceeding the standard for 20 years , which shows that the capability and level of sewage treatment of the basin are generally lower .

  28. 本文以某化工厂为例,该厂原有污水处理设备主要依靠人工完成处理过程,工作效率低,污水处理能力差。

    The existing sewage disposal process is mainly fulfilled by handwork with low working efficiency and poor sewage disposal capability .

  29. 污水灌溉是一条合理的资源化途径:不仅开辟了第二水源、提高污水处理能力,还可充分利用污水的水肥资源、为植物提供所需的养分、提高生态效益和社会经济效益。

    Wastewater irrigation is a reasonable reclamation approach . It is not only finding a second water resource though improving wastewater handling ability but also making full use of water and fertility resource of wastewater to supply plants nutrition and enhancing ecological efficiency and society economy efficiency .