
  1. 度假是为了赏风景之美,听语言之妙,品百味之香。

    Holidays are for seeing the sights , hearing the language and savouring the smells .

  2. 其它由油脂、固定油、蜡或类似品中以萃香法或渗浸法所得之精油浓缩液;

    Other concentrates of essential oils in fats , in fixed oils , in waxes or the like , obtained by enfleurage or maceration ;

  3. 美之泉公司指出,如今的英国女性一般都使用身体和面部护肤品、香水、香体膏以及各种五花八门的化妆品。这些产品让女性的身体在不知不觉间就携带了上百种化学物质。

    Today 's average British woman uses body and facial moisturisers , perfumes , deodorants and various other make-up products which leave them unknowingly carrying hundreds of chemicals on their bodies throughout the day , Bionsen said .