
pǐn xínɡ bù duān
  • 熟语bad conduct;having bad conduct;ill-behaved
  1. 他因品行不端而被停学。

    He was suspended from school for bad conduct .

  2. 绳子的两端被连结起来。他因品行不端而被停学。

    The ends of the rope were fastened He was suspended from school for bad conduct .

  3. 孩子们品行不端,有时要归咎于父母对孩子管教不严。

    When children behave badly the guilt sometimes lies with the parents for not caring sufficiently .

  4. 他因品行不端而被逐出会。

    He was expelled from the society owing to his misconduct .

  5. 孕妇吸烟易造成儿童品行不端。

    Smoking in pregnancy tied to bad behavior in kids .

  6. 那位父亲严厉地斥责了儿子,因为他的品行不端。

    The father reBuked his son severely for his conduct .

  7. 乔治品行不端,使自己名声扫地。

    George has made himself cheap by his dishonorable behaviour .

  8. 他们承认警察队伍里有品行不端者。

    They admitted that there were dishonest officers in the police force .

  9. 甚至还有“品行不端”的白人男性。

    there are even " bad " white males .

  10. 她是个品行不端的妇人。

    She is a woman with loose morals .

  11. 她宽恕他的品行不端。

    She regards his moral faults with charity .

  12. 因品行不端而被解雇

    Be dismissed for bad conduct

  13. 毕竟,我们这位有名的银行主管尽管品行不端,还不是照样在各方面很成功?

    After all , hasn 't our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way , despite his moral failing ?

  14. 我认为品行不端的人才会什么也感觉不到。南茜尖锐地说,忘了冷静和距离。

    ' I think people who behave badly don 't feel anything , 'said Nancy sharply , forgetting to be cool and distant .

  15. 柏拉图创作它是为了警告他雅典同胞们,如果他们品行不端,财富和权力会带来毁灭。

    Plato wrote it as a warning to his fellow Athenians that wealth and power lead to destruction if they are not grounded in virtue .

  16. 尼克松尽管品行不端,但他擅长动用国家机器来做事,其中一些事情还令人印象深刻。

    For all his turpitude , Nixon was good at working the machinery of state to get things done , some of them very impressive .

  17. 菲丽帕·洛索普导演的《品行不端》回顾了1970年世界小姐选美大赛在伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行时发生的事情。

    Misbehaviour , directed by Philippa Lowthorpe , recounts what happened when the event was staged at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1970 .

  18. 我们的蓓基当然有许多品行不端的地方,可是她跟大家见面的时候,总是十分文雅得体的,在这一点上,谁也不能说我不对。

    It is this aspect of our psyche , which unfortunately is quite widespread , that makes us appear coarse to those coming from a more genteel community .

  19. 这个传道士正热情高涨地讲述他多年来曾是如何地品行不端,而一个牧师又是怎样地给他指出来:这让他渐渐地从邪恶中转变过来。

    The preacher was describing with enthusiasm how he had been wicked for years and how a certain parson had pointed it out to him : this had gradually turned him from wickedness .

  20. 如果业主认为工地上承包商的雇员品行不端、不能胜任工作或有失职行为,可要求承包商将此人调离或更换。

    The Owner may request the removal and replacement of any person employed by the Contractor on the Site if such person is in the Owner 's opinion guilty of misconduct , incompetence or negligence .

  21. 一大群纽约黑人因为最近7月发生的埃里克·加纳死亡事件举行示威抗议。埃里克·加纳的死亡是由于警察试图以品行不端将其逮捕掐住他的脖子所致。

    A largely black crowd of New Yorkers demonstrated recently to protest the July death of Eric Garner . He died after police put him in a chokehold while trying to arrest him for a misdemeanor .

  22. 但他补充道:“从数据上看,品行不端或杀人的青少年一般都玩过暴力游戏,然而大多数青少年或多或少地都玩过此类游戏。”

    But , he added , " Statistically speaking it would actually be more unusual if a youth delinquent or shooter did not play violent video games , given that the majority of youth and young men play such games at least occasionally . "