
  • 网络SERVICE;brand service;Brand Name Services
  1. 为客户提供专业快捷的本地化品牌服务!

    Is consumer supply profession quick localize brand service !

  2. 公司经营宗旨:以诚信、务实、高品质、优品牌服务社会。

    The business principle is to satisfy our customers with honest , surefooted and considerate service .

  3. 正是由于这个原因,OMG说,它将开始以由该开放团体管理的一组测试为形式的品牌服务。

    For this very reason , the OMG said it will initiate branding services in the form of a test suite set administered by the Open Group .

  4. 尽管高缇耶从2003年至2010年为该品牌服务了七年,但他似乎一直不能完全适应爱马仕的第一位时装设计师马丁·马吉拉(MartinMargiela,1997-2003)确立的低调风格。马吉拉以在女人们的低语声中展示服装而闻名。

    Despite being at the brand for seven years , from 2003 to 2010 , Mr. Gaultier never seemed entirely comfortable with Herm è s 's understated approach as defined by its first catwalk designer , Martin Margiela ( 1997-2003 ) , who was famous for setting his shows to the murmured conversation of women .

  5. 青年志愿服务之品牌服务链的构建与反思

    Construction and Consideration of the " Brand-Service-Chain " among Youth Voluntary Service

  6. 实施护理品牌服务营造和谐病区环境

    Nurturing Name Brand of Nursing Services and Develop a Harmonious Ward Environment

  7. 第二,提升服装产品品质,增强品牌服务能力。

    Second , enhance the quality of products to improve the core competitiveness of the brand .

  8. 每一个活动都是为555品牌服务,同时又是一个层层递进的过程。

    Each activities for the555 brands , but it is also a progressive layers of the process .

  9. 我们不懈努力塑造企业形象和完善服务质量,畅导品牌服务。

    We unremitting diligently make enterprise image and perfect quality of service , Smooth lead brand service .

  10. 在此希望我们的产品和服务能得到更广泛的客户认可,成为您身边的品牌服务商。

    In the hope that our products and services to get more extensive customer recognition as your side of the brand service .

  11. 为何选择入住盛捷公寓,她微笑的解释源于信任雅诗阁的品牌服务。

    Why does she live in Somerset Apartment ? Her explanation with smiling comes from her confidence in brand service of Ascott Group .

  12. 开展护患互动关节操的人性化护理品牌服务,建立患者人性化康复档案,护士运用多种形式指导患者进行科学的关节功能锻炼,使患者得到个性化、全方位的护理服务。

    In this practice , the nurses directed patients to exercise joints by multiple scientific methods and provided patients with individualized , comprehensive and humanized nursing service .

  13. 同时简化低端产品服务品种,促进思科合作伙伴品牌服务销售。

    In meanwhile , reduce the complexity of service offerings in the " low end " space and continue to promote the sale of Cisco Partner Brand Services .

  14. 实习讯息钧珮为梦想在公关公司,为那些著名的精致生活品牌服务的学生,提供实习机会-这是实现梦想的契机。

    Internship Programe & a supply intern opportunity for the students who dreamed to working in the PR Agency , and doing services for the famous luxury lifestyle brands .

  15. 服务属性是衡量服务行业品牌服务质量高低的维度,尚未有学者从服务属性的视角出发,分析服务属性对连锁服务企业的品牌内涵传递与满意度水平是否存在影响作用。

    Service attributes are the dimensions for measuring the level of service quality . There are no researches studying on whether the service attributes affect brand connotation and satisfaction or not .

  16. 为了能更进一步增加客户粘性以及对电信品牌服务的感知,中国电信凭借自身固网线路运营优势,打造了商务领航定制终端业务产品。

    In order to further increase customer stickiness and services for telecommunications brand perception , China Telecom , fixed line operators with their own advantages , creating a commercial pilot customized terminal services product .

  17. 本文在以下方面进行了有益的探索:(1)明确界定了品牌服务的概念,在比较服务与实体产品的基础上,阐明了品牌服务的构成要素。

    In this paper , we make some useful explorations : ( 1 ) We clearly define the concept of brand service ( with distinction of general service ), and state the elements of brand service by comparing service and products .

  18. 通过对加油站客户关系管理、品牌服务管理、服务创新、服务保证、企业文化创新、员工激励的着重阐述,以解决中国加油站服务管理存在的问题。

    Then a new service system is built , which combines Customer Relationship Management , making service innovations , service pledge , business culture and encouraging system , in order to resolve all the problems existed in service management in Chinese gas-station thoroughly .

  19. 介绍了品牌服务在图书馆可持续发展中的功能,探讨了品牌服务在图书馆可持续发展中的运用,就图书馆品牌服务的价值进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the functions of the brand service in the sustainable development of the library , probes into the application of the brand service in the sustainable development of the library , and analyzes on the value of the brand service of the library .

  20. 打造RFID专业品牌,服务我们尊贵的战略合作伙伴。

    RFID to create a professional brand , Services to our valued strategic partner .

  21. 调研企业北京迈博瑞咨询有限公司(MarbridgeConsulting)的创始人马克·纳特金(MarkNatkin)认为,中国人倾向于支持本土品牌的服务,尽管有时使用全球著名品牌——比如优步——会让人感觉良好。

    Chinese tend to favor Chinese-branded services , said Mark Natkin , founder of the research firm Marbridge Consulting in Beijing , though sometimes using a globally leading brand - like Uber - has cachet .

  22. 第二章,以实证资料展示了Q镇三华李生产的五大服务体系:生产资料供给体系、技术指导服务体系、产品销售服务体系、林地产权保护体系、品牌推广服务体系。

    The second chapter based on the materials presents the five local service systems : capital goods supplying system , technique guidance system , production distribution system , property service system and brand promotion system .

  23. 所谓植入式广告:就是策略性地将产品、品牌或服务等放置到龟影、电视、网络游戏、MTV、平面媒体等一切可能的载体中来达成一定传播效果的营销传播手段。

    So-called implantable advertising : is strategically will products , brand or services placed into the turtle shadow , television , network game , MTV and print media , and all other possible in the carrier to achieve certain communication effect of marketing communication means .

  24. 不-我不想增加我的品牌设计服务。

    No-I don 't plan to increase my brand design services .

  25. 因此,消费者只能通过产品的品牌进行服务产品的鉴别与选择。

    And customers only can make choice by their brands .

  26. 长春市构建大众滑雪品牌城市服务体系的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Building the Service System of Public Skiing Brand City

  27. 创建强势服务品牌是服务企业实现差别化竞争优势的重要手段。

    Strong brand is an important tool for service firms to create differentiation advantage .

  28. 这里的辩论关注的适用性个别品牌的服务领域。

    The debate here concerns the applicability of individual branding in the service arena .

  29. 我们承诺将秉承希尔顿品牌的服务理念,继续为大家带来更优质的体验。

    We continue to be committed towards delivering the Hilton brand , customer services and hospitality .

  30. 分销渠道:药品经销企业的品牌和服务会影响到企业的产品能否中标,所以企业应选择具有良好信誉、服务较好、品牌较好的商业企业为其产品进行投标。

    Place / channel : chose the commerce which have better reputation , service and brand .