
  • 网络Technical Power;TECHNOLOGICAL FORCES
  1. 复杂机电系统机电耦合分析与解耦控制技术力电耦合场中带电小球的最速降线解

    Analysis of Electromechanical Coupling Facts and Decoupling Control Strategies for Complex Electromechanical Systems

  2. 纸箱行业价格偏低,技术力不强与品质不佳。

    It has no high-request of price and no high-request of technology and quality .

  3. 人才、资源、技术力,三者中那样最重要?

    Compare with Human Resources , Capital and Technology , which one is the most important ?

  4. 企业核心竞争力综合体现了企业的共同价值观、多种功能和技术力等。

    The core competitive edge of enterprises is characteristic of the common view of value , multi - functions and technical capacity .

  5. 其主要成分包含自然力、劳动力、科学技术力、社会结合力、自然与社会和谐力五个方面;

    Its main components include natural forces , labor , scientific and technological capability , social bonding , natural and social cohesion of the five aspects ;

  6. 其中文化建设的内容涉及建筑企业的市场力、人才力、技术力、组织力、资金力、形象力六个方面。

    Cultural construction include six aspects of the construction enterprise market power , talent force , technology force , organizational power , capital force , the image force .

  7. 企业可持续成长能力可分解为产业力、制度力、技术力以及市场权力,这四种能力的有机整合和动态协调发展共同推动了企业的持续成长。

    The ability of sustainable growth can be categorized into industry power , system power , technology power and market power , which integrate with each other and develop dynamically and correspondingly to promote the sustainable growth .

  8. 利用Fourier变换技术将力电复合边值问题转化为三组对偶积分方程,并讨论了所需要新增的边界条件。

    Fourier transform is employed to reduce to this mixed boundary value problem to three pairs of dual integral equations ; also the new additional boundary conditions are discussed .

  9. 结合自家研发的NAND技术,力晶称其有能力满足飞速成长的移动应用市场的需求,并为市场提供完整的产品系列。

    Combining self-developed NAND technology , Powerchip said it ''is able to address the rapidly growing mobile application market , providing a complete memory product portfolio . ' '

  10. 临场感测试技术及力觉临场感的实现

    Telepresence Measuring Technique and Realization of Force Sensing Telepresence Measuring

  11. 企业家技术创新力的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Entrepreneur 's Technological Innovation Power

  12. 力、位移传感器信息融合技术&力觉临场感的实现

    A Technique for Force Sensor and Displacement Sensor Information Fusion ── Realization of Force Sensing Telepresence

  13. 数字图像的分割技术应力光图处理技术

    The Processing Techniques of Digital Image

  14. 高科技企业本身应不断提高技术创新力,打破传统管理模式,实现开放创造式的管理;

    High-tech enterprises should strengthen their innovative power , break traditional management mode so as to realize open and creative management mode .

  15. 这项计划还将在一个后处理液态燃料催化过程中对使用合成清洁煤气的技术生存力进行检验。

    This project will also verify the technical viability of using the resulting clean synthesis gas in a downstream liquid fuel catalysis process .

  16. 第三章重点研究了玻璃材料本身质感的表现力,其中包括材料的透明效果、色彩表现力及技术表现力。

    The third chapter lays emphasis on the research of glass material itself sense , including the expressiveness of transparency , color materials and technology .

  17. 非技术性力的单位等于一磅的质点发生自由落体加速度(英尺每平方秒)的力量。

    A nontechnical unit of force equal to the mass of 1 pound with an acceleration of free fall equal to 32 feet / sec / sec .

  18. 论文综述了国内外灵巧手、水下机械手爪、力感知技术和力控制技术等相关领域的研究现状。

    The current situation about dexterous hand , underwater mechanical gripper , force sense technology , force control technology , at home and abroad is summarized in this dissertation .

  19. 基于静电驱动与检测技术的力平衡式微加速度计具有线性度好、动态范围大、灵敏度高和可靠性强等优点。

    Force-balanced micro-accelerometer , based on electrostatic driving and sensing technology , has many advantageous attributes , such as good linearity , wide dynamic range , high sensitivity , and strong reliability .

  20. 在小波消噪理论的基础上,给出了新的随尺度变化的阈值估计公式,采用小波软阈值消噪技术对力信号进行处理;

    Based on wavelet de-nosing theory , a new threshold estimate formula that changes following with scale change is presented , and the wavelet soft threshold de-nosing method to process force signal is adopted .

  21. 随着我国经济、技术宴力的快速发展,对海洋资源的开发、利用不断加强,浅海及海岸的工程建设日益增多。

    With the rapidly developing of Chinese economic and technology , the surveying speed for marine source become faster and stronger , therefore , engineering in shallow-water and offshore regions become more and more .

  22. 如果您认为自己的技术领悟力很好,或您身处IT领域,那么推进云计算模型的确看起来有一点好处。

    If you consider yourself as a technology savvy or else if you are in the field of IT , then definitely there would seem to be a little benefit moving towards cloud computing model .

  23. 针对这一研究现状,本文将一种前沿的人机交互技术&力反馈技术引入到宣纸建模与仿真过程,真实反映宣纸上的水墨扩散仿真效果。

    In view of this research status , this paper brings in an advanced human-computer interaction technology & force feedback technology to rice paper modeling and simulating process , truly affects the ink diffusion simulation effect on rice paper .

  24. 另一方面,传统加工技术通过力传感器、光栅尺等检测手段对加工过程进行实时监测和反馈控制,能有效地提高加工精度,改善表面加工质量,提高生产率,广泛应用于工业生产中。

    On the other hand , conventional machining methods achieve real-time detection and feedback control with sensors such as force sensor and grating ruler during the production , which can improve machining precision , ameliorate Surface quality of part , and boost productivity .

  25. 在市场经济浪潮中,微营销成为出版企业集团化发展的新路径,借新媒体技术之力,打造微博营销模式,掀开微传播环境中集团化发展之路的新篇章。

    In the tide of market economy , micro marketing has become a new path of publishing enterprise group development of new media technology , by force , to create micro-blog marketing mode , open a new chapter in micro propagation environment development group of the road .

  26. 之后具体分析了钢材在景观应用中的艺术表现力、技术表现力和与其他材料的组合表现力三个方面,总结出钢材作为景观材料的设计手法和具体应用。

    Secondly , the author will analyze the application of steel in landscape from the following three aspects in detail : artistic expression , technical performance and the combination of other materials . Lastly , the author will summarize the design methods and specific application of steel to landscape design .

  27. 本文采用自动数据采集及FFT技术研究应力波的弥散与衰减特性。

    Dispersion and attenuation characteristics of stress waves were studied by means of the automatic data collection and FFT technique .

  28. 本文介绍一种通过改进的分子梳技术结合原子力显微镜,进行DNA拉直操纵及成像。先在云母表面制备小分子单层膜,然后将长链DNA转移到该膜上进行操纵。

    In this paper , by applying molecular combing technique and atomic force microscope ( AFM ), aligned DNA strands on the surface of APS mica system and imaged them .

  29. 本文研究了预应力混凝土V形支撑连续刚构桥的施工模拟分析、施工控制、合龙技术及其受力性能分析。

    The construction simulation analysis , construction control technology , closure technology and its performance of the prestressed concrete V-shaped pier continuous rigid frame bridge were studied in this thesis .

  30. 当ASDI的技术领导开始力推一个面向对象的数据库方案时,我们对这个新技术的引入表示担心。

    When ASDI 's technical lead started pushing for an OODB solution , we were concerned by this introduction of a new technology .