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  • technical training;form work
  1. 青少年篮球技术训练CAI的开发与研制

    Making CAI for Basketball Skill Training for Youngsters

  2. 少年儿童游泳技术训练的重要性及方法

    The Importance of Swimming Technique Training in Children and Teaching Methods

  3. 少年短跑技术训练探讨

    Probing into the Technical Training of Juveniles ' Short Distance Race

  4. 电子设计技术训练小组委员会〔职业训练局〕

    Sub-committee on Electronics Design Technology Training [ Vocational Training Council ]

  5. 篮球远投技术训练心理学基础初探

    Analysis on the Psychology of Long Shot Technique Training of Basketball

  6. 加强运球技术训练须从观念改革起步

    Reforming the concept in intensifying the training of dribbling basket skills

  7. 加强先进制造技术训练,提高学生综合能力

    Strenthening Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training , Raising Students ' Comprehensive Ability

  8. 文章主要论述歌唱音色与表现情感的密切关系,主张通过技术训练,建立音色库。

    The paper focused mainly on the connection between timbre and affect .

  9. 跳水运动基本技术训练方法的探讨

    The comments on the basic skill training methods of diving

  10. 体育运动技术训练量化方法的建立与比较及分析

    Putting Forward Technology Training Quantization Methods of Athletic Sports and Comparatively Analysising

  11. 并提出了放松技术训练的手段与方法。

    And some methods of relaxation skill training were presented .

  12. 二胡技术训练的方法与目的

    The Objective and Methods of Technique Training for Erhu Players

  13. 标准舞基础训练阶段五大技术训练方法的初探

    Analysis on Five Technical Training Methods of Ballroom Dancing at Basic Stage

  14. 他将每隔一天到技术训练班去学习。

    He will go to the technical training class every other day .

  15. 福建省竞技体育跳远运动员技术训练研究

    Research on Technical Training in Long Jump of High-level Athletes in Fujian

  16. 青少年标枪技术训练中应注意的几个环节

    Points for Attention in the training of Junior Javelin Throwers

  17. 这是一个渐进的项目提供技术训练和专家指导。

    This is an intensive program that provides technical training and expert advice .

  18. 女子水球运动员跳跃技术训练要根据女子运动员自身的特点。

    The training of jumping for women waterpolo players has its own characteristics .

  19. 投掷运动员身体训练水平与专项技术训练水平匹配发展的理论

    Theory of Matchable Development of Throwers ' Physical and Specific Technical Training Level

  20. 篮球基本技术训练及其质量要求

    Basic basketball skill training and requirements of its quality

  21. 对正确实施技术训练计划的合理控制

    Reasonable Control in Carrying out the Technical Training Plan

  22. 浅谈足球技术训练中培养队员的个人意识

    How to Develop Individual Consciousness in Football Technique Training

  23. 论发球的技术训练与心理训练

    Discussing on the Training of Serve Skills and Serve Psychology and its Methods

  24. 目的探讨认知行为技术训练对护士同理心水平的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of cognitive behavioral training on nurses empathy .

  25. 从三跳比例浅析男子三级跳远技术训练趋势

    TRENDS On Male Triple Jump Training Tendency From Proportion of Three Jump Distance

  26. 对现代短跑技术训练的研究

    A Study On Modern Technique Of Dashing And Training

  27. 标枪肘与技术训练关系的探讨

    On the Relationship Between Javelin Elbow and Skill Training

  28. 他经历过技术训练,能完成这项任务。

    He has had technical training , so he can fulfill the task .

  29. 幼儿时期是钢琴手指技术训练的黄金时期。

    Childhood is the golden time to accept the finger practice on piano .

  30. 中学生代表队的技术训练和文化学习

    The Relationship Between study and Training for the Middle School Student Representative Team