
  • 网络satellite orbit parameter
  1. 在文中分析了卫星轨道参数与定位坐标之间的关系,给出了计算结果并进行了讨论。

    In the paper , the relationship between DT and DF and location coordinates is deduced , which is the function of the satellite orbit parameter and observing time .

  2. LEO卫星轨道参数对GPS掩星数量和分布的影响

    Effect of LEO Satellite 's Orbit Parameter on GPS Occultation Event 's Number and Distribution

  3. 单颗LEO卫星轨道参数对GNSS反射事件分布和数量影响的模拟研究

    Simulation of Impacts of Single LEO Satellite Orbit Parameters on GNSS Reflection Event 's Distribution and Number

  4. 依据SAR的几何成像模型,利用有关卫星轨道参数和数字高程模型,进行山区地形SAR影像的几何纠正研究。

    In this paper , the correcting method of geometric distortion in alpine terrain using fly parameters and DEM was introduced , based on the imaging geometry of SAR image .

  5. 太阳同步卫星轨道参数的容许偏差分析

    A Research on the Permissible Variation of the Sun - Synchronous Repeating Orbit

  6. 本文提出了满足设计要求的地球资源卫星轨道参数的计算方法。

    The paper offers the computation method of Earth Resources Technology Satellite orbit meeting the requirements .

  7. 通过选取适当的卫星轨道参数、姿态参数和结构参数(包括质量参数、几何参数和材料参数),建立了合适的仿真模型。

    A suitable simulation model is established by selecting appropriate orbit , attitude and structural parameters .

  8. 首先应用卫星轨道参数对输入影像和参考影像进行粗定位,即利用卫星轨道参数粗略估计主、辅图像之间的偏移量,配准精度大约为30个像元;

    Firstly , we use the parameters of satellite orbit to obtain 30 pixels precision of coregistration ;

  9. 首先根据卫星轨道参数进行粗匹配,确定一个大致偏移量,其精度大约在30个像元左右。

    First , it can obtain 30 pixels pricision of registration approximately using the parameters of satellite orbit .

  10. 本软件依据卫星轨道参数控制伺服跟踪系统,完成对卫星的实时跟踪。

    This software can control servo tracking system basing on satellite orbit parameters and realize the real-time tracking of satellite .

  11. 首先由卫星轨道参数向量和三维矩阵变换得到卫星在地心赤道坐标系中的坐标矩阵,然后再通过平移、旋转和比例等变换得到卫星及恒星在望远镜中的坐标矩阵,最后即可得到总模拟图。

    The coordinate of the multi-target in the geo-center equatorial coordinate is obtained by using 3-D matrix transform and the vector of target parameters .

  12. 采用精确描述相对运动的编队飞行运动学模型,设计编队飞行各卫星轨道参数。

    Based on the precision dynamics model of formation flying that describe the relative movement , each formation flying satellite orbit element is designed .

  13. 所建距离向和方位向成像方程的参数可以由卫星轨道参数和其它成像参数直接获得。

    The parameters of these equations can be derived through the SAR track parameters and the other SAR imagery parameters and used directly for the geocoding .

  14. 该方法充分利用低轨飞行所带来的长基线、近距离的好处,并以多普勒差为观测变量,卫星轨道参数为待估参数,可进一步改善定位精度。

    The method takes full advantages of longer base line and nearer distance of LEO , with the Doppler difference measurements as observational variables and the orbital parameters of satellite as the parameters to be estimated .

  15. 利用单个地面控制点对卫星轨道开普勒参数和传感器姿态实施调整后,目标定位精度提高到14.217m。

    Then the authors adjust the Kepler parameters and attitudes by using one single GCP , the planimetric precision reaches 14.217m on the ground .

  16. 大气密度变化对卫星返回轨道参数的影响

    The effects of atmospheric density variance on return trajectory parameters of satellite

  17. 在轨地球同步卫星轨道控制参数计算及工程实现

    Orbit Control Strategies and Implementation for on-Orbit Geostationary Satellites

  18. 雷达卫星精密轨道参数确定的研究

    De termination of Radar Satellite Precise Orbit Parameters

  19. 用计算机仿真详细研究了倾斜椭圆轨道同步卫星的轨道参数与定位性能关系。

    The relation between orbit parameters of inclined elliptical satellite and positioning performance is investigated in detail .

  20. SAR在轨测试参数检验与其图像的几何性能评价,包括卫星姿态和轨道参数的评价,以及以SAR图像几何粗定位、粗校正、及精校正为内容的SAR图像几何校正评价。

    The geometric characteristics of the SAR remote sensor and its images are evaluated , which includes evaluations of the satellite poses , adjustments of the orbit parameters , and geometric corrections of the SAR images .

  21. 最后本章结合典型卫星轨道的相关参数,设计了一个具体的低轨卫星OFDM系统,仿真结果表明,选取的载波频率同步方式可以满足系统的误码率要求。

    Finally this thesis design an OFDM system on LEO satellite based on the parameters of typical satellite orbit . The results of simulation show that the synchronization of carrier frequency can meet the system requirements .

  22. 本文根据斑马图计算公式,并根据一定的卫星轨道和雷达参数,给出了斑马图仿真;

    Simulation of zebra maps is given according to the spaceborne SAR orbit and the radar parameters .

  23. 人造卫星的精确轨道参数将由无线电和光学观测站测量得出。

    Accurate measurement of the orbit parameters of the artificial satellite was provided by radio and optical stations .

  24. 给出了该数据库的基本设计方法和目标数据实例,提供了1000余颗卫星的相关轨道参数。

    A database using for simulating multi-target imaging is designed , some basic functions and more than 1000 targets are offered .

  25. 同时结合双星观测模型,使该方法转化为关于求解卫星轨道样条表示参数和定轨系统误差的多模型融合的非线性优化问题;

    Combining the bi-satellite distance observation model , the precise trajectory determination process can be transformed into a nonlinear optimization problem of the multi model merging with the parameters of orbit spine expression coefficients and observation system error coefficients .

  26. 介绍描述SAR构像几何的坐标系统及距离多普勒方程,同时,介绍卫星轨道及描述卫星轨道的参数。

    The Range-Doppler equations which describing the SAR image geometry and related space coordinate system are presented , as well as satellite orbit and orbit parameter .

  27. 飞行任务对卫星轨道提出指标要求,这些指标决定了卫星轨道参数的容许偏差范围。

    In order to complete the flight mission , we must bring forward the requirements of the orbit characteristics .

  28. 采用三个不同时刻的测量值,根据飞行时间定理和几何约束条件,得到卫星轨道的解析方程,利用微分校正法解方程即可得卫星轨道参数。

    Then equations which satisfy flight time theorem and geometrical constraint condition are derived by use of three different time measurement value ; finally the analytical equation used by differential correction is given .

  29. 文章简要介绍了俄罗斯的RESURS系列地球资源卫星,包括RESURS-F系列卫星、RESURS-O系列卫星和正在研制中的RESURS-SPECTR卫星。介绍了RESURS系列卫星的轨道参数、有效载荷类型和性能等。

    This paper introduces Russian RESURS series of Earth Resources Satellites m a brief , including RESURS-F , RESURS-O and the developing RESURS-SPECTR , and introduces orbital parameters , types of payloads and performance of RESURS series satellites .

  30. 本文从卫星与地面目标之间的空间几何关系出发推导了多普勒参数(多普勒中心频率和多普勒调频率)与卫星轨道参数和姿态参数的关系式,并与从雷达信号中提取的参数值进行了比较;

    The formulation of Doppler parameters ( Doppler centroid and Doppler frequency rate ) from the geometry of satellite-borne SAR is derived .