首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 大部分的仆卫都跑开了。

    Most of the attendants and guards ran away .

  2. 西部很多最好的控卫都是得分型控卫。

    A lot of the best point guards in the West are scoring PGs .

  3. 其他顶级的控卫都在不同程度上依赖他们的运动能力和速度(威少,保罗,欧文,沃尔,利拉德,哈登,肯巴沃克),库里则不然。

    While other high-level point guards all rely on athleticism and quickness to some extent ( Westbrook , Paul , Kyrie Irving , John Wall , Damian Lillard , James Harden , Kemba Walker ) , Curry does not .

  4. 试验结果指出,呋喃丹、易卫杀都是很好的根区施药内吸剂。

    Results indicate that carbofuran and " Evisect " are suitable for root zone application .

  5. 根据要求,无论缔约国或世卫组织都要向世界卫生大会报告《国际卫生条例》的实施情况。

    States Parties and WHO alike are required to report to the World Health Assembly on IHR implementation .

  6. 这个在夏天被队友“无情抛弃”的雷霆控卫一直都处于进攻模式,有的时候让人感觉他把比赛演变成了一次对于自己男子气概的测试,他总是时刻准备着去赢下比赛。

    The Oklahoma City Thunder guard plays with reckless abandon and is constantly on the attack . It often appears as though games morph into a litmus test of manhood , and Westbrook is always poised to win them .

  7. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。

    Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi , a provincial military leading organization nowadays , which was governed by central military organization .

  8. 在这个经济紧缩的新时代,全球卫生倡议及机构,如:全球基金、全球免疫和疫苗联盟及世卫组织本身都面临严峻的资金短缺。

    In this new era of economic austerity , global health initiatives and agencies , like the Global Fund , the GAVI Alliance , and WHO itself , now face serious financial shortfalls .

  9. 除非洲区域外(尽管死亡率在下降),世卫组织所有区域都能按计划实现将死亡率和流行率降低50%的目标。

    All WHO regions are on track to achieve the50 % mortality and prevalence reduction target , except for the Africa region ( although rates of mortality are falling ) .