
wèi shēnɡ zhǐ
  • toilet paper;toilet tissue;lavatory paper
卫生纸 [wèi shēng zhǐ]
  • [toilet paper;tissue;kleenex] 用于盥洗室的一种吸水性好的柔软的卫生用纸

  1. 本品是采用薄型粘合法非织造布、PE流延膜、皱纹卫生纸或木棉加工制成、吸水性强、使用方便。

    Made up of non-twine cloth by thin-sticky way , PEmembrane , wrinkle toilet paper and kapok , strong absorbability , use easily .

  2. 结论本研究中的卫生纸荧光增白剂不具有光毒性和致突变性,也非光敏物质。

    Conclusion FWAs used in toilet paper has no phototoxicity , photoallergy and mutagenicity .

  3. 你带卫生纸了吗?

    Have you got any bog roll ?

  4. 因为你裤子后拖着一条卫生纸(toiletpaper)。

    Because you drag toilet paper behind .

  5. 卖场里面包、牛奶、鸡蛋和卫生纸等所有经典的暴风雪用品都会发生抢购(arunon)。

    Stores see a run on things like bread , milk , eggs and toilet paper -- all classic blizzard supplies .

  6. 基于Excel的切纸机裁切机构运动分析卷筒卫生纸裁切与打孔机

    Kinematics Analysis of Paper Cutter Mechanism with Excel

  7. BF-12卫生纸机的白水处理系统

    White Water Treatment System of a BF-12 Tissue Paper Machine

  8. 但奥利奥饼干(Oreo)和恰敏卫生纸(Charmin)这样的广告主却因全年都在发布有趣好笑的内容、与消费者持续互动而备受赞誉。

    But advertisers like Oreo and Charmin have earned praise for being interesting or funny enough all year to get continual interactions from consumers .

  9. 有时,祖母甚至会重卷一整卷卫生纸,只为了在最后一片纸上写下“shmily”。

    At one point , my grandmother even unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper to leave " shmily " on the very last sheet .

  10. Buechel怀疑每一周那位盗贼大约在半夜时分来偷一、两次。一周下来从卫生纸纸卷器上要偷去六卷左右。

    Buechel suspects the person comes in once or twice a week around midday and gets about six rolls a week from dispensers .

  11. 快速消费品(FMCG)是指那些使用寿命较短,消费速度较快、消费者需要不断重复购买的产品,涉及食品、饮料、化妆品、洗涤用品、电池、卫生纸等多个行业。

    FMCG ( fast moving consumer goods ) are those products that short service life , consumption faster , and consumers need to constantly purchase it , involving food , beverage , cosmetics , cleaning supplies , batteries , toilet paper and other industries .

  12. 介绍一台高速卫生纸机的白水回收系统情况

    Recycling of White Water in a High Speed Tissue Paper Machine

  13. 绝不要用面巾纸或是卫生纸来擦眼镜!

    Never use tissues or toilet paper to clean your eyeglasses .

  14. 造纸机集散控制系统卫生纸造纸机

    The collector - distributor control system of making paper tissue machines

  15. 白花花的卫生纸在青翠的灌木上显得特别刺眼。

    The white tissue was especially dazzling on the green shrubs .

  16. 工厂应供应卫生纸,肥皂或洗手液。

    Toilet tissues , soap or hand wash should be provided .

  17. 他拽了4张卫生纸。

    He pulled four sheets off the roll of toilet paper .

  18. 最初的时候,我们用的卫生纸是这样的。

    At the very beginning , that is our toilet paper .

  19. 他们今天卫生纸在大减价呢。

    Hey , they have a sale on toilet paper today .

  20. 斜网卫生纸机电气控制系统的设计

    Design of Electric Control System of Slanting Sanitary Paper Machine People Network

  21. 现在我们需要用到卫生纸的卷芯了。

    This is where you need your loo roll tube .

  22. 这位34岁的妇女说道:我爱吃卫生纸。

    I love eating toilet paper , Davis , 34 , says .

  23. 老天,甚至可能会有人顺点卫生纸。

    Heavens , somebody might even nick the toilet rolls .

  24. 我们还有更多的卷筒卫生纸吗?

    Do we have any more rolls of toilet paper ?

  25. 没有卫生纸了,请给我一些。

    There 's no paper . Please give me some .

  26. 新月形高速卫生纸机主要系统及设备简介

    Introduction of a Crescent High Speed Tissue Paper Machine

  27. 卫生纸造纸机造纸机毛毡和滤材工业中质量控制测试设备

    Monitoring System for Quality Control in the Paper Machine Felt and Filter Industries

  28. 卫生纸中铅、镉含量的测定

    Determination of Lead and Cadmium Contents in Toilet Paper

  29. 卫生纸,洗粉,火柴,蚊香,油漆刷。

    Toilet Paper , Detergent , Matches , Mosquito Coil , Paint Brushes .

  30. 废纸再造卫生纸的废水处理

    Wastewater Treatment for Making Toilet Tissue by Waste Paper