
  1. 不管怎么说还是结婚吧,娶到好老婆,你会幸福;娶到坏女人,你将会成为哲学家。

    By all means marry , if you get a good wife , you 'll be happy , if you get a bad one , you 'll become a philosopher .

  2. 可怜的家伙,他刚结婚吧。

    The poor guy , I think he 's a newlywed .

  3. 别管婚礼要请客之类的我们今晚就结婚吧!

    Forget about invitations . let 's get married tonight !

  4. 战争结束后我们就结婚吧。

    When the war ends , let 's get married .

  5. 打开它把我们结婚吧

    What the ... Just open it . We 're getting married .

  6. 为了孩子们着想,你和我结婚吧。

    For the kids to get it straight , just marry me .

  7. 他对他女友说:咱们结婚吧。

    He said to his sweetie , Let us marry .

  8. 在你感觉对的时间,你就结婚吧。

    You should get married when YOU feel the time is right .

  9. 我要黄金了,你就和公主结婚吧。

    I grab the gold , you marry the princess .

  10. 和我结婚吧,他默默地重复着。

    ' Marry me ,' he repeated to himself .

  11. 儿子,你给我记住,稳定下来,结婚吧。

    Remember son , settle down , marry up .

  12. 我想永远跟你在一起,我们结婚吧。

    I want to spend eternity with you . Let 's get married .

  13. 我给你的建议是结婚吧。

    My advice to you is to get married .

  14. 你还是快点结婚吧!

    Yah get married and get it over with !

  15. 你就是一摊屎,回去准备结婚吧!

    You 're a pile of shit , and you 're getting married !

  16. 如果你想被批评,结婚吧。

    If you wang to be criticized , marry .

  17. 厄尔,那咱俩结婚吧

    Oh , Earl , let 's get married .

  18. 沃尔特,和我结婚吧。

    Walter , lead me to the alter .

  19. 你是回家来准备结婚吧?

    Have you come home to be married ?

  20. 你跟那位美丽的公主结婚吧!

    You get married with that beautiful princess !

  21. 她现在还没跟你结婚吧。

    You and Stace still not hitched yet .

  22. 那么就赶紧结婚吧。

    Then hurry up and get married .

  23. 那就快找一个然后结婚吧。

    Then find one and get married .

  24. 从里面挑一个和她结婚吧。

    Marry one of your bungaiow giris .

  25. 我们结婚吧,好不好。

    We were married , ok .

  26. 当你有以下想法时,你就结婚吧:

    You should get married when :

  27. 明年圣诞结婚吧,因为到那时你已经拿到硕士学位了。

    Be married next Christmas , for you will have got your master 's degree by then .

  28. 所以,我请你做的事就是,别再烦她,和范妮结婚吧。

    So all I ask is that you don 't bother her any more , and marry Fanny .

  29. 还有我不会再离开!实际上,让我们结婚吧!

    RHEN : And I 'm never going to leave again ! In fact , let 's get married !

  30. 找一个你能多次相恋的好人结婚吧。

    Marry someone who you can fall in love with several times over , because they 're so good .