
jié zǔ
  • roped party
结组[jié zǔ]
  1. 甲状腺乳头状癌颈部转移性淋巴结组和非转移性淋巴结组之间上述超声指标的差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Thyroid papillary carcinoma metastatic lymph node group and neck non-metastatic lymph node group differences between the ultrasonic index was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 心动过速时VA间期旁道组明显长于房室结组,两者相比VASVT差异显著(P<0001);

    The VA interval during tachycardia was significantly longer in group AP than in group AVN ( P < 0.001 ) .

  3. NSCLC组及转移淋巴结组中PI3K、PTEN蛋白的阳性率与正常肺组织和癌旁增生肺组织相比,差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The positive rate of PTEN was significantly lower and that of PI3K was significantly higher in NSCLC and metastatic lymph node tissues than in para-cancerous hyperplastic and normal lung tissues ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 布林结。一种常用的绳结,通常用于登山中将中间位置的攀登者连接到结组中。

    Bowline-A knot frequently used for tying the middle climber onto a glacier rope team , among other uses .

  5. 在没有广义腺病的情况下,特殊颈部淋巴结组肿大对诊断很有帮助。

    In the absence of generalized adenopathy , enlargement of specific cervical lymph node groups can be helpful diagnostically .

  6. 接着,其他的白队队员用普鲁士结(或上升器)连接上黑队的结组绳,这时一共有4名队员处在拖曳位置。

    Next , the rest of the white team attaches their prusiks ( or ascenders ) to the black team 's rope , so there are now four people in position to haul .

  7. 当然我们的主题不是详细介绍这次活动的细节,而是强调基本技术和一些小技巧,熟练掌握这些将使你更能享受多段结组攀登的乐趣。

    The objective here is not to go in great detail about the activity itself , but rather to highlight the basics and go over some tips that will make climbing multi-pitch routes more enjoyable .