
  • 网络Auspicious days to marry
  1. 星期三为结婚吉日,星期五或星期六结婚不吉利。

    If one marries on Wednesday one will be happy ; if one marries on Friday or Saturday one will be unhappy .

  2. 据婚礼策划人士介绍,2007年7月7日已成为近年来最受欢迎的“结婚吉日”。

    Wedding planners say July7th-or7 / 7 / 07-as the date appears in print , has become the most popular day in years to get married .

  3. 对三对在结婚吉日1月4日宣誓至死不渝但几天后离婚收场的夫妻来说,永远并没有多远。

    FOREVER ended up being a very short time for three couples who vowed until death do us part ' ' on the auspicious marriage day of January 4 but divorced just days later .

  4. 对三对在结婚吉日1月4日宣誓“至死不渝”但几天后离婚收场的夫妻来说,永远并没有多远。

    FOREVER ended up being a very short time for three couples who vowed " until death do us part " on the auspicious marriage day of January 4 but divorced just days later .

  5. 我读过一篇报道说,印度的占星家比世界其他地方所有的占星家都多,因为很多印度人无论大事小事都想听听占星家的建议:哪天是结婚吉日?

    I have read that India may be home to more astrologers than the rest of the world combined because so many people there seek astrological advice on questions large and small : When is an auspicious time of day for the wedding ?

  6. 不过,有一些人,尤其是乡下人很有可能请算命先生挑个结婚的吉日(常是双日子)这样就是双喜临门了。

    However , quite a few others , especially those in the countryside , would probably ask a fortune-teller for a lucky date ( usually an even number ) so that their marriage would have " Double Happiness " .