
  • wedding photo
  1. ellen我在craglist看到一个广告极其相似ellendegeneres一张1888年的结婚照

    Ellen , I saw an ad on Craigslist that said wedding photo from 1888 ellen Degeneres look alike .

  2. 在他们的结婚照里面看见的这一对。

    The couple , seen here in their wedding photo .

  3. 小p一下可以这样说:retouch(尤指为完善而)润色,修饰,修整。我们把结婚照进行了修饰,这样看上去就像是在晴天照的一样。

    We had the wedding photos retouched to make it seem like a sunny day .

  4. 她的狂恋名人症愈趋严重,我看到她PS了一张与罗伯特·帕丁森的结婚照。

    She 's got a bad case of celebriphilia . I just saw a wedding picture she photoshopped of her and Robert Pattinson .

  5. Simanjuntak是从拍摄结婚照开始摄影生涯的,是个自学的新闻摄影师。

    Simanjuntak began his career as a wedding photographer and is a self-taught photojournalist .

  6. 在枥木县的这家名为EpinardNasu的酒店,甚至允许动物们出现在结婚照上,而酒店隔壁,恰好是一家动物园。

    The hotel in question , the Epinard Nasu in Tochigi , even allows the animals to appear in the wedding photographs , before returning to the local zoo , which just happens to be next door .

  7. 那对新人正在岩石上拍结婚照耶!

    That couple getting their wedding photos done on the rocks !

  8. 我真希望没有烧掉我们的结婚照。

    Now I wish I hadn 't torched our wedding photos .

  9. 安娜·妮可·史密斯和霍华德·斯特恩的结婚照;

    Anna Nicole Smith / Howard Stern wedding , $ 1 mln-People .

  10. 我们还没有把结婚照用镜框装起来呢。

    We still haven 't had our wedding photos framed .

  11. 爸爸:我认为今天我们可以再照一次结婚照。

    Dad : I think we can have some more photos taken .

  12. 我买了一本很漂亮的相簿放我们的结婚照。

    I bought a beautiful album to put our wedding pictures in .

  13. 除了结婚照我只有这个

    That 's all I had . That or your wedding photo .

  14. 我们把我们的一些结婚照拿去放大了。

    We had some of our wedding photos enlarged .

  15. 晚饭后拿出你们的结婚照一起一页一页地欣赏。

    Bring out your wedding album after dinner and leaf through it together .

  16. 现在,科技真的将结婚照带上了一个新的舞台。

    Now , the technology really gives the wedding picture a new edge .

  17. 第一张是查理和我妈妈在拉斯维加斯的结婚照,

    First a wedding picture of Charlie and my mom in Las Vegas ,

  18. 或许你应为校刊拍照、拍结婚照等等。

    Maybe you should take pictures for school paper or shoot weddings and stuff .

  19. 他以拍结婚照作为他的副业。

    As a sideline he takes wedding photos .

  20. 好吧,我可以寄给您一些结婚照,套房足够的!

    Well , I can send you some wedding pictures as well , suites enough !

  21. 电影明星控告该杂志在未经授权的情况下刊登了他们的结婚照。

    The movie stars pressed charges against the magazine for publishing unauthorized pictures of their wedding .

  22. 妈妈:恩,我们的结婚照总是会勾起我许多的回忆。

    Mom : Yeah , and our wedding photo always reminds me a lot of things .

  23. 这间工作室提供结婚照服务。

    The studio offers wedding photographs .

  24. 许多新婚夫妇喜欢把结婚照放大了挂在墙上。

    Many new couples like to enlarge their wedding photos and hang it on the wall .

  25. 在《人物》杂志上看到你和你妻子结婚照上那美丽的脸庞时,我感觉太棒了。

    Seeing your and your wife 's beautiful faces on your wedding day in People Magazine was gorgeous .

  26. 这对夫妇决定不穿传统的婚礼服装,并且还裸体拍摄结婚照。

    The Chinese couple decided they wouldn'tbother with traditional wedding clothes and posed for their bridal album naked .

  27. 《阿凡达》粉丝在这部电影的灵感来源地拍摄裸体结婚照,然后转化成电影中的蓝色人物。

    Avatar fans tie the knot NAKED in area that inspired the filmand then transform into the blue characters

  28. 如要制作印有结婚照的包装纸或包装盒吊牌,请先选好照片,加入电邮上的附件给我们。

    Please also attached your favorite wedding photo for printing production if you add extra photo printing packaging service .

  29. 先拍结婚照,新婚夫妇还可以在婚礼上向他们的客人展示照片。

    Having the photos taken first also means that the couple can show them off to guests at the wedding .

  30. 之后安娜的母亲烧毁了鲍里斯和她在一起的所有纪念品,包括他们的结婚照和情书。

    Her mother then destroyed all mementos of Boris and Anna 's life together , including wedding photographs and letters .