
  • 网络new york film festival
  1. 或者,啊,纽约电影节没结束吧?

    Or , hey , isn 't the New York Film Festival still going on ?

  2. 蔡明亮是一位马来西亚出生的台湾导演,《郊游》是他的第十部电影长片,在威尼斯电影节上赢得了评委会大奖,也在纽约电影节上放映。

    The 10th feature by this Malaysian-born , Taiwan-based director , it won the grand jury prize at the 2013 Venice Film Festival and was shown at the New York Film Festival .

  3. 在1980年的纽约电影节(newyorkfilmfestival)上,关于二战中工厂女工的《铆钉工人萝丝》在林肯中心首映。

    Rosie The Riveter , a documentary about women factory workers in the Second World War , premiered at the New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center in September 1980 .

  4. 我担心《大吉岭特快》在9月28日纽约电影节的公演,以及此后在其他主要城市的放映情况,这甚至超过了Wilson的感召力。

    But I fear Darjeeling , which opens the New York Film Festival Sept.28 and will play in major cities shortly thereafter , is beyond even Wilson 's powers of persuasion .

  5. 或者,就像演员爱德华·诺顿(EdwardNorton)在纽约电影节上的一次简短交谈中睿智表达的那样,“你不能把自己的情绪健康寄托在这上面。”

    Or , as the actor Edward Norton sagely put it , in a brief chat at the New York Film Festival , " You can 't hang your emotional health on it . "

  6. 问:你对纽约电影节最美好的记忆是什么?

    Q. What is your best memory of the festival ?

  7. 在纽约电影节上,李安在该片的首映之后向观众表示,《少年派的奇幻漂流》让自己吃尽苦头。

    Lee told the New York Film Festival audience following the screening that Life of Pi was exceedingly hard to make .

  8. 早在2009年纽约电影节上,克鲁兹第一次佩戴这枚蓝宝石戒指在媒体前面亮相,自此关于她订婚的说法就纷纷扬扬,甚嚣尘上。

    At the New York Film Festival in2009 , Cruz debuted a knuckle-sized sapphire surrounded by small diamonds on her ring finger , sparking rumors of an engagement .

  9. 但某些参赛影片已经在柏林、戛纳、多伦多、特柳赖德和纽约电影节上获得不俗的反响,受到好评。

    But some contenders have been well received at the Berlin , Cannes , Toronto , Telluride and New York film festivals , generating positive word of mouth .

  10. 中国导演贾樟柯的新片《山河故人》时间跨度长达几十年,描绘了从过去到未来的人物,影片在纽约电影节上映。

    The Chinese director Jia Zhangke charts characters from past to future in the decades-spanning film " Mountains May Depart , " a selection in the New York Film Festival .

  11. 于4月21日开幕的休斯顿电影节是北美地区的第三大电影节,仅次于旧金山和纽约电影节,至今已有50年的历史。

    As the third largest film festival in North America , just after San Francisco and New York , the Houston film festival , founded 50 years ago , kicked off on April 21 .

  12. 昨晚,麦当娜的新电影在纽约tribeca电影节首映,名字叫做IAmBecauseWeAre(我在因为我们同在)。

    I did that , Mary , in fact , Madonna hit the red carpet at New York City 's Tribeca Film Festival last evening where her new film debuted . It 's called I Am Because We Are .

  13. 吃完美味以后,第七节新纽约亚洲电影节将在星期五举行。

    Blissfully free from the constraints of good taste , the New York Asian Film Festival returns on Friday for its seventh annual edition .

  14. 由于该片中尝试使用了实验性素材与表现方式,为此该片还获得了纽约国际电影技术节的最佳实验电影奖。

    As the film try to use the experimental material and expression , this film also won the New York International Film Festival Best Experimental Film Technology Award .