
  • 网络NEWPORT;New Port
  1. 环球透视(GlobalInsight)的美国经济学家帕特里克•纽波特(PatrickNewport)表示:由于未售出房屋库存仍处高位,房价将继续下跌。

    House prices will continue to drop because inventories of unsold homes remain high , said Patrick Newport , US economist at Global Insight .

  2. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛我们是北卡罗来纳州纽波特BroadCreek中学的学生。现在我们跟大家一起收听CNN学生新闻。

    We are students at Broad Creek Middle School in Newport , North Carolina and we are flying you in to CNN Student News !

  3. IHSGlobalInsight的帕特里克•纽波特Newport指出,经通胀调整的实际房价已回到1999年水平。

    Real house prices , adjusted for inflation , are back at levels last seen in 1999 , says Patrick Newport of IHS Global Insight .

  4. 纽波特大学的昆汀·基德通过Skype表示,麦克唐纳这样的政治腐败审判案往往来源于在美国媒体上发表的调查报告。

    Political corruption trials , like the McDonnells ' , often stem from investigative reports published in the U.S. media , according to Newport University 's Quentin Kidd via Skype .

  5. 有一周,我驾车到她居住的纽波特海岸附近,我们便开始在Balboa岛上散步。

    One week I drive to her Newport Beach neighborhood and we walk " the island " & Balboa Island , for the uninitiated .

  6. 加利福利亚洲纽波特海滩鹈鹕山路,一栋待售的价值3700万美元的豪华别墅。(路透社LoriShepler报道)

    A $ 37 million dollar luxury home that is for sale at One Pelican Hill Road North is seen in Newport Beach , California ( Reuters / Lori Shepler )

  7. 其中可有纽波特之花的家呀。

    That 's home to one of newport 's fairest flowers .

  8. 这对伙伴离开科德角后就前往罗得岛的纽波特市。

    The pair left Cape Cod and headed to Newport , R.

  9. 纽波特市的这笔经费看来有可能被冻结。

    It appeared that Newport 's funding might be suspended .

  10. 对,把他赶出纽波特。

    Yeah , run him out of Newport for sure .

  11. 加州纽波特港摄像头拍摄到一只狡猾的海狮偷偷劫持了警用船只。

    The camera caught a sea lion slimed into and hijacked a policy sail .

  12. 你想听我给你讲讲纽波特的掌故吗?

    Do you mind if I tell you a thing or two about newport ?

  13. 在1923年电晕尼亚德尔马附有和最近在2002年被并入纽波特海岸。

    In1923 Corona del Mar was annexed and recently in2002 Newport Coast was annexed .

  14. 他在威尔士纽波特市举行的北约峰会上发表了以上讲话。

    He made the remark at a NATO summit in the Welsh city of Newport .

  15. 纽波特船长很快就会回来。

    Captain Newport will be back shortly .

  16. 纽波特比奇和橘子郡的女性因为喜欢做整形手术而著称。

    Newport Beach and OC women are famous for their love of a little cosmetic help .

  17. 我被安排在位于纽波特的海军军事学院做报告。

    I was all set to give a presentation at the Naval War College in Newport .

  18. 第三飞行大队和它的纽波特式侦察机不断骚扰敌人,扫射土耳其人的阵地。

    No3 Wing and its Nieuport Scouts made a constant nuisance of themselves by strafing Turkish positions .

  19. 特拉克取消列车纽波特纽斯,弗吉尼亚州附近的海岸,从里士满,弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿州。

    Amtrak canceled trains to Newport News , near Virginia 's coast , from Richmond , Va. , and Washington .

  20. 他通常乘坐私人直升机从加利福尼亚州纽波特海滩飞往洛杉矶市中心的斯台普斯中心。

    He typically traveled from Newport Beach , California to the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles in his private helicopter .

  21. 我跟你说,这就足够让你再也不想去纽波特避暑了。

    Wow . I tell you , it is almost enough to make you never want to summer in New Port again .

  22. 它助长了三角洲,这是回湾,并最终加入下纽波特湾,通常被称为纽波特港。

    It feeds the delta that is the Back Bay , and eventually joins Lower Newport Bay , commonly referred to as Newport Harbor .

  23. 当清理鲸鱼最后的残骸时,纽波特海滩的尼克·林德和圣克莱蒙特的马修·豪厄尔正在冲浪。

    Nick Lind of Newport Beach and Matthew Howell of San Clemente were surfing as the last remnants of the whale were being removed .

  24. 从苏格兰邓弗里斯,到富有的柴郡切斯特和威尔士纽波特,以零售为主导的商业地产计划最近已被开发商搁置。

    Retail-led schemes from Dumfries in Scotland to well-heeled Chester in Cheshire and Newport , Wales , have recently been put on hold by their developers .

  25. 乔治也飞回了罗得岛的纽波特老家,在那里他邂逅了丽塔·佩特,他姐夫的表妹。

    George also went on leave and flew home to Newport , Rhode Island , where he met Rita Petry , a cousin of his brother-in-low 's.

  26. 纽波特海滩,成立于1906年,是一个城市在美国加州橙县,10英里(16公里)市区以南圣安娜。

    Newport Beach , incorporated in1906 , is a city in Orange County , California , 10 miles ( 16 km ) south of downtown Santa Ana .

  27. 纽波特是美国乔治敦大学的教授,同时他也是一位父亲、四本书的作者、在他的研究领域里活跃的出版人,还是持续更新的博客写手。

    Newport is a Georgetown professor as well as a father , a four-time author , a frequent publisher in his field of study , and a constant blogger .

  28. 当然,假如东风在纽波特开庆功会,将不会不具讽刺意味,因为与欧洲相比而言,美国对中国投资持更为谨慎的态度。

    A Dongfeng victory party in Newport would not , of course , be without its ironies , given the rather more circumspect view taken of Chinese investment in the US compared to Europe .

  29. 纽波特说他之所以能每天都完成自己的固定高效率日程,是因为他“无情地推脱责任、拒绝他人、变得很难联系上、同时削推脱部分有用的差事”。

    Newport says he accomplishes this fixed productivity schedule every day by " ruthlessly culling obligations , turning people down , becoming hard to reach , and shedding marginally useful tasks along the way . "

  30. 一是财务问题,由于养老金减少,美国人觉得有必要延长工作年限;其次,现在人们的工作心理更加健康。弗兰克?纽波特评论道,他是盖洛普民意测验主编。

    One is financial , and they simply think they will need to work longer because there are fewer pensions , and now people may have a more psychologically positive view of work , says Frank Newport , editor-in-chief of Gallup poll .