
ɡè rén qǐ yè
  • individual enterprise;sole proprietorship
  1. 除了街道经济的个人企业以外,家庭制造业和家庭商业也是不发达经济的一个特征。

    Besides individual enterprise of the " street economy ", family business in manufacturing and commerce are characteristic of underdevelopment .

  2. 企业最简单的形式是个人企业或独资企业。

    The simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship .

  3. 大量的资金通过银行得以提供给个人企业用于经济和商业目的。

    Increasing amounts of funds are made available through the banks for economic and commercial purposes .

  4. 投资主体目前是民营和国营相交汇,为了保证市场的公益性地位需要建立介于个人企业化运作和政府行政组织之间的现代企业制度。

    The current investors relative to intersection of private and public , In order to ensure that the market position of public welfare , need to establish a modern enterprise system .

  5. 随着Internet的发展,越来越多的个人、企业、机构组织等都接入了Internet。

    With the development of Internet , an increasing number of people have access to Internet .

  6. 文章提出并实现了一个基于代理机制的Internet信息自动提取原型系统,旨在帮助个人及企业用户快速准确地提取满足需要的Internet信息。

    A prototype system based on agent mechanism is presented and implemented to improve the speed and accuracy in extracting Internet information in this paper .

  7. 黑莓(R)的Internet服务允许最多支持10个人和企业电子邮件帐户,包括最流行的ISP电子邮件帐户

    BlackBerry ( R ) Internet Service allows access to up to10 supported personal and corporate email accounts , including most popular ISP email accounts

  8. 有许多吸引人的WordPress主题适合个人或企业站点。

    Many attractive WordPress themes are available for both personal and business-style sites .

  9. 信息时代的到来,使越来越多的个人和企业开始接触网络,接触电子商务,传统的银行业也出现了E时代的产物&网上银行。

    With the Information Age coming , More and more people and companies come into contact with the internet and Electronic Business and the production of e-time-E-banking emerge in the traditional bank .

  10. RSA集团总部位于伦敦,为个人和企业客户提供保险,其险种包括房屋保险、车辆保险、责任保险和海上保险。

    RSA , which is based in London , offers insurance to consumers and businesses , including home , automobile , liability and marine insurance .

  11. 其它跨国个人电脑企业,如惠普(HP)、戴尔(Dell)和宏碁(Acer),均认同中国市场的威力。它们正将更多资源投入中国。

    Other global PC companies such as Hewlett-Packard , Dell and Acer are pouring additional resources into China in recognition of the country 's market might .

  12. 当P2P结构在10年前问世时,其理念是利用先进技术绕过银行,在有钱投资的人与需要资金的个人或企业之间牵线搭桥。

    When peer-to-peer structures were first set up a decade ago , the rationale was to bypass banks by using state of the art technology to link those who have money to invest with individuals or companies that need it .

  13. 国民生产总值GNP可用于积累(包括公共积累及个人或企业部门积累)与消费(包括公共消费及个人消费)。

    The gross national products can be used for accumulation ( it contains public accumulations and personal or enterprise accumulations ) and consumption ( it contains public consumptions and personal consumptions ) .

  14. CathyGendron在2008年之中,始于住房抵押贷款支持证券的信贷危机吞没了个人、企业和投资者可以利用的所有市场。

    Over the course of2008 , the credit crisis that began with securities backed by home loans engulfed virtually every market that could be tapped by borrowers & individuals , corporations and investors .

  15. 2003年,中国要求个人电脑企业和其他电子产品生产商使用一种名叫WAPI的无线网络技术(相当于国际Wi-Fi标准的中国版)。

    In 2003 China pushed to require personal-computer companies and other gadget makers to use a wireless Internet technology known as WAPI , a Chinese version of the international Wi-Fi standard .

  16. 在诸多因素的影响下(我将按照相关性进行讨论),Git变得很流行,并且经常被认为是和Subversion并列的用于个人和企业VCS的首选。

    For many reasons , which I 'll discuss as far as they are relevant , Git has become popular and is often considered together with Subversion as the two leading choices for a personal or corporate VCS .

  17. 相较而言,SaaS用户(无论他或她是个人、企业还是政府机构)拥有的控制权仅包括访问SaaS应用程序;SDN管理员对流量的控制是对他或她透明的。

    By contrast , the only control the SaaS user ( whether he or she is a private individual , business , or government agency ) has is to access the SaaS application ; the SDN administrator 's control of traffic flow is transparent to him or her .

  18. 《个人独资企业法》调整主体范围浅议

    On Limits of Subject in Law of Individual Sole investor Enterprise

  19. 由个人或企业拥有的物质财富。

    The material wealth owned by a person or a business .

  20. 比较个人独资企业,合伙企业,公司制企业的特色。

    Compare the features of proprietorships , partnerships , and corporations .

  21. 此举将不会影响个人或企业客户的存款。

    It will not affect the deposits of individual or corporate customers .

  22. 应向个人和企业提供准确和可靠的信息。

    Accurate and reliable information shall be provided to individuals and enterprises .

  23. 笔者将个人独资企业的变更分为商事变更与民事变更。

    Individual proprietorship enterprises can group into commercial changes and civil changes .

  24. 个人独资企业、合伙企业纳税义务主体的思考

    Some reflections and suggestions on individual enterprises and partnerships as taxpayers Enterprises

  25. 建立彼此独立的机构分别提供个人和企业征信服务。

    Set up independent organizations offering individuals and enterprise credit investigation service separately .

  26. 那么,中国的个人和企业到底是如何对资金进行投资的呢?

    How , exactly , do Chinese people and companies invest their money ?

  27. 帮助全世界的个人和企业充分发挥他们最大的潜力。

    To enable people and business throughout the world realize their full potential .

  28. 垄断权的拥有者是个人或企业,不是国家。

    Such power is held by individuals and businesses , not by states .

  29. 一人公司和个人独资企业不能互相取代。

    One-man company cannot replace sole proprietorship each other .

  30. 个人独资企业法若干问题刍议

    On Several Problems of Law of Individual investment Enterprises