
ɡè rén jià zhí
  • individual values
  1. 而工具性的个人价值则主要是内化的过程;

    The instrumental of individual values are mainly the innate process .

  2. 本文就对高等教育个人价值的显现做一个初步的研究。

    This paper presents initial studies in individual values demonstration of higher education .

  3. 例如,人们主动表达无私相关的个人价值观,扩大他们的经验范围并加强社交关系。

    For example , people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness , to expand their range of experiences , and to strengthen social relationships .

  4. 他们看重的不是传统意义上所谓的“成功”,而是个人价值的实现和提升。

    They are men who value personal realization over more conventional measures of " success " , and search for ways to improve themselves .

  5. 最后从科学、合理的薪酬福利制度、充满人性化的精神激励和助推个人价值体现的成长激励三个方面,对重庆市X科研院所科技人才激励进行了完善设计。

    Finally the thesis designs perfect incentive strategy for scientific talents in Chongqing X scientific research institutes from the aspects of scientific and reasonable salary and welfare system 、 humanized mental motivation and development incentive which boosts the realization of self value .

  6. 如果ISFP的个人价值体系受到外来影响威胁,ISFP会排除威胁信息,以保证实现自己的价值体系。

    If an ISFP 's personal value system is threatened by external influences , the ISFP shuts out the threatening data in order to preserve and honor their value system .

  7. 在经济大环境的驱使下,越来越多的年轻技术人员通过跳槽来实现个人价值,这种现象已经给企业带来了严峻的考验,尤其是YK集团这类高新技术企业。

    Under this kind of environment , more and more young technical staff change the job to realize his personal value . This kind of phenomenon put the company into the dilemma , especially for the High-tech Enterprise like the YK Group .

  8. 我们必须竭力让年轻人充分实现个人价值潜力。

    We must enable young people to realize their full potential .

  9. 论个人价值模式在体育教学中的应用

    On the application of personal meaning mode to physical education

  10. 来自《1984》的警示:乌托邦&抹杀个人价值的完美国度

    Utopia : A Perfect World Denying Individual Value Revelation from Nineteen Eighty-Four

  11. 但个人价值依然是自由的最终价值标准。

    The individual value is still the ultimate value criterion of freedom .

  12. 论文还从三个维度上揭示了道德教育具有个人价值与社会价值、本体价值与工具价值、发展价值与享用价值。

    The thesis also reveals the values of moral education from three dimension .

  13. 个人价值也可以叫做人生价值。

    Personal value can also be called life value .

  14. 这工作剥夺了我的全部个人价值。

    This job has robbed me of all worth .

  15. 我认为人的社会价值和个人价值是统一的。

    I think people 's value of society is integrated with individual value .

  16. 群体意识的消解,使艺术创作日益成为体现个人价值的手段;

    The artistic creation is becoming a means by which individual value is embodied .

  17. 课程价值观上,重社会、学科价值,轻个人价值;

    On the curriculum value , it emphasizes social subject , belittles the individual ;

  18. 拥抱变革,但也要坚守个人价值观。

    Open arms to change , but do not let go of your values .

  19. 理解升职是以个人价值为基础的。

    Understand promotions will be based on merit .

  20. 在实践中,思想政治教育的社会价值和个人价值却是分离的。

    In practice , the social value has been separated from the individual value .

  21. 个人价值的源泉在于个人的创造性实践活动。

    It originates in personal creative practice .

  22. 物质主义价值观是一种强调以物质拥有为重心的个人价值观。

    Materialism is the kind of personal value which emphasizes on the occupying of mater .

  23. 尊重个人价值的美国文化,激发了美国人的创造力;

    The American culture that respects individual values stimulates the creativity of the American people .

  24. 他们忽略了两个普遍存在的误解,而是去根据平等和个人价值观有关的真相做出行动。

    They ignore two common misconceptions and act instead on truths about equality and individual value .

  25. “而且,这些偏见扩大到智力和个人价值等核心特征。”

    " Furthermore , these biases extend to core characteristics of intelligence and personal worth . "

  26. 个人价值的评价标准主要在于个人的社会价值,即个人对社会的劳动贡献。

    The appraisal standard of personal value mainly lies in personal labor contributions to the society .

  27. 体育教师个人价值缺失。

    Lack of personal values .

  28. 通过自我评价、讨论和活动来帮助希瑟认清自己的个人价值。

    Use self evaluation , discussions and activities to help Heather bring her personal values into focus .

  29. 我怀疑自己的能力,对自己的潜能没有信心,甚至怀疑自己的个人价值。

    I doubted my abilities , had little faith in my potential and questioned my personal worth .

  30. 子典的管理理念是:与时俱进,开拓创新,实现个人价值。让创新渗透于管理的整个过程中。

    Z point 's management ideal : Keep pace with times , make innovations and realize personal value .