
  • 网络personal finance product
  1. 本文将运用经济学、金融学、管理学等相关知识,采取静态分析、动态分析结合的方法,重点研究兰州银行个人理财产品创新问题。

    This article will use relevant knowledge such as economics , finance , management , adopts the principles of combining static analysis , dynamic analysis method , the key research in bank of lanzhou personal finance product innovation problem .

  2. 运用现代先进的风险度量方法,即VAR法来衡量商业银行个人理财产品的利率风险。

    3 , it uses modern advanced risk measurement techniques , that is , the VAR to measure the interest rate risk of personal financial products by commercial banks .

  3. 阐述了VAR的含义,指出了商业银行在运用VAR模型衡量个人理财产品的利率风险时,要注意两个因素的选取:一是时间间隔,二是置信水平。

    The section defines the VAR and draws the attention of commercial banks to the selection of two factors when they adopt VAR model to measure the interest rate risk of personal financial products . The two factors are time interval and confidence level .

  4. 在这样的背景下,商业银行个人理财产品应运而生。

    In this context , the personal financing products came into being .

  5. 所以,在商业银行个人理财产品利率风险的管理中,建议采用衍生工具,以期达到较好的效果。

    The latter is recommended in management of personal financial products by commercial banks .

  6. 人们也使用微信支付转账和购买个人理财产品。

    People also use WeChat Pay to transfer money and to buy personal finance products .

  7. 结构性理财产品作为一种个人理财产品,最早产生于美国。

    As personal financial products , structured products were produced in the United States at first .

  8. 购买商业银行个人理财产品已成为人们理财的重要方式之一。

    Thus , personal financial products have become one of the most important ways of financial management .

  9. 中国银监会发布了关于商业银行个人理财产品的详细规则。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission has released detailed rules for individual wealth management businesses commercial banks .

  10. 个人理财产品成为商业银行新的利润源,改善了商业银行的收支结构,有助于提升商业银行核心竞争力。

    It has become a new profit source for commercial banks to improve the revenue and expenditure structure .

  11. 通过运用衍生金融工具的方法来管理商业银行个人理财产品面临的利率风险。

    4 , it adopts derivative tool to manage interest rate risk of personal financial products by commercial banks .

  12. 作者希望能够通过这一文章作为契机,从而达到国内银行个人理财产品的新突破。

    The writer ' hopes to accomplish the new breakthrough of personal financial products in home banking from this thesis .

  13. 随着金融改革深入和金融创新的发展,个人理财产品竞争将会在更广泛的产品层次上展开。

    In recent years , structured financing products are developing fast , and becoming more and more popular in our country .

  14. 因此如何运用法律的手段对个人理财产品投资者进行有效的保护,成为了非常重要的问题。

    It becomes a very important question that how to use legal means to investors for effective protection of individual financial products .

  15. 中国理财产品销售量大幅飙升中国银行业监管机构昨日表示,随着各银行扩大产品种类,2007年最后一个季度中国个人理财产品销售额大幅飙升。

    Sales of individual wealth management products in China shot up in the last quarter of2007 as banks expanded their product offerings , the banking regulator said yesterday .

  16. 2008年,伴随资本市场的深幅回调,商业银行个人理财产品受到投资者的追捧,产品规模和中间业务收入快速提升。

    In 2008 , accompanied by capital markets callback index , personal financial products of commercial banks are popular by investors . The scale of products and revenue increased rapidly .

  17. 在此基础上,提出了推进我国商业银行个人理财产品创新的具体措施和未来产品创新的展望,为我国商业银行个人理财产品创新提供依据和参考。

    On this base , propose concrete measures and prospects for promoting personal financial product innovation and prospecting for future product innovation , providing basis and reference for personal financial management .

  18. 个人理财产品的诞生,一方面是市场需求的结果,另一方面也是商业自身发展的内在要求。

    The birth of personal financing products , on the one hand is the result of market demand , on the other hand is also a commercial inherent requirements of their own development .

  19. 同时在金融脱媒的不断压力下,个人理财产品以其巨大的市场利润,理所当然地走进了各家商业银行的视野,同时也吸引了外资银行抢滩这块市场。

    At the same time , in the pressure of financial disintermediation , the personal financial services market with its huge profits , attracting commercial bank , also to attract foreign banks to this market beachhead .

  20. 腾讯表示,截至去年9月底,已有一亿多客户购买了微信的个人理财产品,这些产品管理着超过5000亿人民币(合740亿美元)的资金。

    More than 100 million customers have purchased WeChat 's personal finance products , which managed over 500 billion yuan , or $ 74 billion , by the end of last September , Tencent has said .

  21. 但由于自身市场的不成熟,同时受到法律、政策的限制,我国商业银行个人理财产品创新始终处于相对弱势,难以与外资银行相抗衡。

    However , the immaturity of the market itself and limited by law and policy in commercial banks , personal financial product innovation has always been relatively weak , it is difficult to compete with foreign banks .

  22. 并对现阶段的商业银行个人理财产品进行分类,主要有准货币市场基金类型的产品、结构性存款、固定收益组合理财产品和其他类型的理财产品四种类型。

    Then it defines the personal financial products by commercial banks and classifies the current products into quasi-money-market funds types of products , structural deposits , fixed-income portfolio financing products and other types of financial products four types .

  23. 商业银行个人理财产品是银行基于某一特定的标的资产设计产品,向投资者募集资金并进行投资的一种工具,是个人理财业务在我国发展的特殊产物。

    Chinese commercial bank personal finance products ( PFPs as the abbreviation ) is a kind of investment instrument , which is designed by commercial bank for gathering capital to invest in one or more certain underlying assets .

  24. 伴随着理财理念在中国的日益深入、理财业务在中国的蓬勃发展,商业银行个人理财产品已经成为了各大银行激烈竞争的新市场。

    Along with the deepening of the financial management idea in China , financial business are booming in China as well , the personal financial products of commercial banks has become the new competition market for each big bank .

  25. 但从商业银行近来发行的个人理财产品来看,大多产品具有显著的同质性,极易被模仿复制,因此,提供差异化、多样化的产品已成为建行甘肃分行竞争优势的主要因素。

    However , most personal financial product recently issued by commercial banks has homogeneity nature , can easily imitate and replication , thus , provide difference and diversity personal financial product is the main competitive advantage for Gansu Branch of CCB .

  26. 只有立法部门、金融监管部门、银行等相关各方高度重视个人理财产品的法律防范工作,协调一致才能有效的防范和控制个人理财产品的法律风险。

    Only the legislative branch , the financial regulators , banks and other relevant parties attach great importance to personal finance products , legal preparedness , coordinated in order to effectively prevent and control the legal risks of personal finance products .

  27. 首先,从商业银行利润最大化要求、利率市场化推动和规避管制等方面分析了个人理财产品的创新动因,并对个人理财产品创新的经济效应加以阐述。

    First , from the points of commercial banks ' profit maximization requirement , the interest rate marketization and to circumvent regulation , we analyze the motivation of personal financing products innovation , and elaborate on the impact of personal financing products innovation .

  28. 因此,如何有效的评估和防范商业银行个人理财产品的利率风险是我国商业银行必须重视的一项重要研究课题和一个不可回避的现实问题。

    Therefore , how to effectively assess the interest rate risk of personal financial products by commercial banks and how to guard against these risks is an inevitable issue and an important research topic that commercial banks in China should attach importance to .

  29. 产品在收益和结构上不断创新,深受市场上广大投资者的欢迎,再加上商业银行在风险控制和产品营销上的独特优势,个人理财产品的发展前景广阔。

    Product innovation on income and structure , it was well welcomed by the majority of investors in the market , coupled with the unique advantages of the commercial banks on risk control and product marketing , personal financing products have a broad development prospects .

  30. 纠纷风波使人们对个人理财产品产生了前所未有的质疑和非议,风险揭示不足以及欺诈等问题引发了客户的大量投诉,各商业银行之间为此展开了大量不当竞争等。

    Disputes storm on personal finance products generated an unprecedented questioning and criticism , the risk of revealing the lack of fraud and other problems caused by the large number of complaints , among commercial banks for this started a lot of unfair competition and other .