
tí qián huán kuǎn
  • make payment beforehand;prepay
  • prepayment;advance payment
  1. 固定利率和提前还款期权相结合有助于保护借款人免于利率风险。

    The combination of fixed interest rates and an option to prepay helps to shield borrowers from interest-rate risks .

  2. 在此基础上,对聚类得到的三个类分别构建了Logistic回归模型、SVM模型并对每一类Logistic回归结果进行统计分析,发掘出了各类中影响提前还款的主要因素和区分各类的标准。

    Afterward , this paper constructs the Logistic regression models and SVM models for the three groups , and also find the major factors in impacting the prepayment and the criterion of distinguishing the different groups .

  3. 运用Logistic模型研究得出影响上述三个类别提前还款风险的主要因子。

    By using the research model Logistic , the main factors influencing prepayment risks of the three categories of people mentioned above are obtained .

  4. 因此,构建我国借款人提前还款分析模型,为以后的MBS定价研究奠定基础。

    To build a forecasting model can serve as the solid fundation for the research on MBS pricing .

  5. MBS定价的关键是准确预测证券各期现金流,其依据是对住房抵押贷款借款人提前还款行为的研究。

    For MBS valuation , it is critical to forecast cash flows based on research into borrowers ' prepayment models .

  6. 本章在第四章实证分析的结果基础上,分别建立判别函数和Logistic模型预测提前还款模型。

    Based on the results of chapter 4 , we set up discriminatory function and Logistic model to forecast the model of prepayment of personal housing mortgages loan in this chapter .

  7. 第二节详细研究了提前还款行为的衡量方法、影响因素及对MBS现金流的作用;

    Secondly I make a detailed study on the weighing measures of prepayment , its influencing factors , and its meaning for the cash flow of MBS .

  8. 其次,介绍了各种用于计算CMO证券收益率的提前还款假设的种类,如,FHA经验法、CPR、PSA基准。

    Then , various prepayment assumptions to compute CMOs yield , for example , " FHA experience ", CPR and PSA model are presented .

  9. 第四章是实证分析与结论应用,利用无锡某商业银行消费信贷客户资料,以客户逾期和提前还款为研究对象,分别建立Cox回归模型。

    The chapter four is about the positive analysis and the application of conclusion . The data of consumer credit borrowers from Wuxi commercial bank are used to build Cox regression models respectively , default and early repayment being the failure event .

  10. 住房抵押贷款中借款人的提前还款行为向来是金融机构及MBS投资者所关注的焦点,提前还款行为之所以广受关注,是因为它直接影响住房抵押贷款现金流的变化,从而改变着MBS的价值。

    Advance repay for housing mortgage loan has been all along noted by financial institutions and MBS investors . The reason lies in its influence on cash flow in housing mortgage loan , which , then , changes the value of MBS .

  11. 对于固定利率贷款,在市场利率下降时,贷款的市场价值及LTV将提高,导致借款人主动违约,或者提前还款;

    As for the fixed-rates loan , the market value of the loan and the LTV will increase when the market interest rate falls , leading to the voluntary default or advanced loan repayment of the debtor .

  12. 个人住房抵押贷款提前还款风险因素实证研究

    Empirical Study on Prepayment Risk Factors of Individual Housing Mortgage Loan

  13. 按揭借款人提前还款行为性质及法律分析

    Law Analysis of the Feature of Paying off loan ahead of Schedule

  14. 个人贷款:提前还款是一种良好的使用闲钱?

    Personal loans : is early repayment a good use for spare cash ?

  15. 住房抵押贷款提前还款预测模型及对策研究

    The Prediction Model and Strategy Study of Mortgage Prepayment

  16. 在第三章中,总结了个人住房抵押贷款提前还款风险管理的国际经验。

    Chapter three summarizes the international experiences in prepayment risks management of personal residential mortgage .

  17. 该债券是可以随时偿还的,这反映了相应的房产抵押贷款的提前还款风险。

    The bonds are callable , to reflect the prepayment risk of the underlying mortgages .

  18. 第二种,部分提前还款,将还款期限缩短。

    The2nd kind , the part shifts to an earlier date reimbursement , shorten reimbursement deadline .

  19. 调查共获得4133个正常还款样本和3605个提前还款样本。

    Such an investigation leads to 4133 samples of normal payment and 3605 samples of prepayment .

  20. 国外在解决住房抵押贷款证券化过程中的提前还款问题时一直追求证券化资产提前还款的预测准确率。

    The developed countries pursuit the accurate prepayment prediction in solving the prepayment problem of MBS .

  21. 允许提前还款,且收取罚金;

    Allowing for prepayment without penalty .

  22. 近年来,一些商业银行为了规避损失的发生,相继制定了提前还款违约金制度。

    Some commercial banks in order to avoid losses , have developed the system of prepayment penalty .

  23. 从内因和外因两个方面着重分析了各类因子对提前还款概率的影响。

    The selection part analyzes all kinds of influence to the probability from internal and external respect .

  24. 基于持续期数据的我国住房抵押贷款违约和提前还款风险分析

    Empirical Study for Prepay and Default Risk of Our Country 's House Mortgage Loan through Duration Data Analysis

  25. 本章主要介绍我国商业银行个人住房按揭贷款市场现状及业务特点,然后详细分析了借款人提前还款的决策。

    This chapter introduces the situation and business characteristics in commercial bank individual housing mortgage market of our country .

  26. 有时,用户仅仅只做一次运算,所用参数是其判断最有可能的提前还款速率、违约率、损失额度。

    Sometimes , users did little more than one run using the prepayment , default and severity rates judged most likely .

  27. 通过判别分析,得出各因子变量对个人住房抵押贷款提前还款风险影响的相对重要性。

    Through discriminant analysis , the relative importance of each factor variable on the prepayment risk of personal residential mortgage is obtained .

  28. 借款人的提前还款期权和债券发行人拥有的在债券到期前赎回部分债券的期权一样,也使贷款人承担了更多风险。

    The prepayment option , like bond issuers'options to call some bonds before they mature , saddles the lender with more risk .

  29. 信用风险包括借款人风险和开发商风险,市场风险包括宏观经济风险、利率风险和提前还款风险,操作风险包括银行经营管理风险和法律风险。

    Credit risk includes borrower risk and developer risk . Market risk includes macroeconomic risk , interest risk and early repayment risk .

  30. 其次,本文分析了住房抵押贷款证券化过程中提前还款的违约性,重点研究了提前还款的一般作用机理与风险识别。

    Secondly , this paper has analysed the rule-violation of prepayment in MBS , investigated general operational mechanism and risk recognition of prepayment .