
yuǎn qī wài huì mǎi mɑi
  • see also 远期外汇交易
  1. 目前国际上防范汇率风险的主要工具有远期外汇买卖、外汇期权、外汇期货和货币互换等。

    The tools of risk management in the international market usually include forward contract , futures , options and swap .

  2. 金融机构代客户办理即期和远期外汇买卖管理规定

    Provisions on Administration of Buy and Sale of Spot and Forward Foreign Exchange by Financial Institutes on Clients ' Behalf

  3. 指定的金融机构受客户委托代办即期和远期外汇买卖时,客户应当提供履约担保。

    When the designated financial agency is entrusted by a client to buy and sell spot or forward foreign exchange , the client shall provide performance guarantee .