
  • 网络Remote File Transfer
  1. 一种基于Modem的远程文件传输实现方法

    Method of long-distance file transmission realization based on modem

  2. 如果远程文件传输成功,则从FTP服务器删除该文件。

    If the remote file is successfully transferred , then it is deleted from the FTP server .

  3. 通过对实时传输方式和文件传输方式,以及三种远程文件传输协议进行比较,选择基于SOAP协议的WEBService技术实现中心对合作机构的远程信息收集与分发。

    By comparing real-time and file-based transmission modes and three remote transport protocols , the system selects the SOAP-based Web Service technology to implement the remote information gathering and distribution with cooperators .

  4. 基于MDI的异构数据格式转换和远程文件传输机制研究

    Methods for Transferring Files and Converting Data-Format Between Heterogeneous Hosts Using Meta-Data Information

  5. 针对企事业单位和政府的各部门之间进行通知、报文报表交换这种实时性传输要求不高的应用场合,实现了一个基于公共电话网的远程文件传输软件的设计。

    To satisfy the need for notice and message exchange among divisions of enterprises and governments , a software for long-distance file transmission based on public telephone network is implemented .

  6. 本系统利用电话网和MODEM(调制解调器)通过自动拨号未实现远程的文件传输。

    This system utilizes telephone network and modem to transmit files between long-range computers by autodial .

  7. 其主要功能是通过互联网建立起任意PC机之间的连接,实时传递远端PC上的动态图像信息,并配以远程控制、文件传输、聊天等功能。

    Creating connections of any Personal Computer mutually by Internet and transferring dynamic images from remote Personal Computer is its main function , and the functions of remote control , file transfer , chat and so on are attached .

  8. 其次,云计算技术提高了电信技术,比如远程打印和文件传输,有可能降低办公空间、购买新家具、淘汰旧家具、办公室清洁等方面的需求。

    Second , techniques for cloud computing promote telecommuting techniques , such as remote printing and file transfers , potentially reducing the need for office space , buying new furniture , disposing of old furniture , having your office cleaned with chemicals and trash disposed , and so on .

  9. 它提供了对安全远程登录、安全文件传输、访问控制和端口转发的支持。

    It provides support of secure remote login , the secure file transfer , the access control and port forwarding .