
zhōnɡ jiān yǔ yán
  • Intermediate language;interlingua
  1. 一个从中间语言生成目标语言的原理和方法

    Principle and method of generating target language from interlingua

  2. 中间语言转换过程中的增强处理

    Enhancement of the Transfer Processing in Interlingua

  3. 基于中间语言的C反编译系统的研究与实现

    The Reasearch and Implementation of an Anti-compile System Based on Inter-language C

  4. 最终,我们会用一个小例子来演示从一个普通C程序转化为编译器中间语言。

    Later , we will provide a small example to demonstrate how we translate a small problem into the compiler intermediate representation .

  5. 基于中间语言的逆编译系统CDS

    Decompiler system CDs based on intermediate language

  6. ADA中间语言DIANA界面上的二个工具

    Two tools on the interface of ADA intermediate language Diana

  7. Ada程序设计环境的中间语言DIANA

    The intermediate language Diana in Ada Programming Support environments

  8. GCC的中间语言及后端信息的转换

    The Intermediate Language and theBack-End Information Translation in GCC

  9. NET代码不会被编译成本地代码,而是转换成为一种可以称为CIL(公共中间语言)中间语言。

    NET code is compiled not into native code , but into an intermediate language imaginatively called CIL ( Common Intermediate Language ) .

  10. 它将从3个方面来讨论实现融合的途径:(1)虚拟机和中间语言:将用不同语言编写的Agent类翻译成中间态语言,使其能在不同操作系统、不同技术平台下运行;

    There are three aspects ' discussion : ( 1 ) VM and IL , translate the agent classes that are programmed by other languages such as Java to interface language for running on multi-OS and multi-platform ;

  11. 结合MMT已有的研究成果,重点研究中文到MMT计划中定义的中间语言的相关问题。

    Combining with the existing researching , mainly research the relevant topics of the Intermediate language which is from Chinese to MMT .

  12. 与Spec配套的有Boogie,一种用于代码验证的中间语言。

    Hand in hand with Spec # is Boogie , an intermediate language for code verification .

  13. NET框架的基础:公共语言运行时(CLR)和微软中间语言(MSIL),以及。

    NET Framework 's foundation : Common Language Runtime ( CLR ), MSIL ( Microsoft Intermediate Language ), and the core of the .

  14. 第二个样式表将定义XHTML与PostScript之间的中间语言,创建定义一页连续元素所需的标记。

    The second stylesheet defines an intermediate language between XHTML and PostScript , creating the tags necessary to define a page of flowing elements .

  15. DIANA是Ada编程环境中用来描述Ada程序的一种中间语言,它已被许多Ada环境所采用。

    DIANA is an intermediate language suited to describe Ada programs in Ada programming environments . By its definition , it is best viewed as an abstract data type .

  16. 没有表达式树的话,我们是不可能用描述格式来表示一个表达式的。他们唯一的表示方式是IL(中间语言),这种语言对于重新表述用户的意图来说太低层次了。

    Without expression trees , its impossible to describe expressions in a descriptive format ; the only description of them is IL , which is too low level to re-create the user 's intent for the expression .

  17. CIL保留了类型并保持与源程序相近,因此它比为编译设计的典型的中间语言(如三地址码)更高层。

    It is also higher-level than typical intermediate languages ( e.g. , three-address code ) designed for compilation , by maintaining the types and a close relationship with the source program .

  18. 类型化中间语言是提高代码安全性的一类重要方法。

    Typed intermediate language is an important approach to code safety .

  19. 用户可以通过阅读中间语言程序来分析、理解和消化软件。

    Understand and digest software by reading the intermediate language program .

  20. 逆编译中面向用户的中间语言设计和实现

    Design and Implement of User-Oriented Intermediate Language in Decompilation System

  21. 多语信息交流平台的中间语言系统及支撑环境设计

    The Design of a Multi-Lingual Communication Platform Based on Interlingua

  22. 一种新型类型化中间语言的优化实现技术

    Optimized Implementing Technology of a New Typed Low-level Language

  23. 跨文化交流空缺与中间语言载体的思考

    The Gap in Intercultural Communication and Intermediate Language Carrier

  24. 英语可用作中间语言。

    English can be used as a transition language .

  25. 基于中间语言的翻译系统的关键是中间语言设计。

    The key of the interlingua-based MT system is the design of the interlingua .

  26. 针对代码生成的微软中间语言

    Microsoft Intermediate Language generated for code statements

  27. 这个系统的工作效率主要依赖于中间语言的优化设计。

    The working efficiency of the system depends strongly on the optimal design of the intermediary language .

  28. 然后,介绍了对应该概念模型的中间语言和中间表示。

    Then , a brief introduction of middle language and middle description for the concept model is given .

  29. 逆编译系统中中间语言的设计和实现极大地影响逆编译的实用型和通用性。

    The design and implement of intermediate language in decompilation system greatly affects generality and practicability of decompilation .

  30. 文章介绍了从汇编程序到中间语言程序的转换过程中,采用基于数据流和控制流分析的符号执行方法。

    Symbol execution based on control flow and data flow is described in the translating assembler program into intermediate program .