
  1. 本文介绍中国计量科学研究院(NIM)在相位噪声频域测量方面的最新进展,叙述了系统的性能,详细讨论了测量不确定度,指出系统的噪声本底小于-170dBc/Hz。

    The current advance on the phase noise measurement in the frequency domain in NIM (?) s presented . THe performance of the system is described .

  2. 中国计量科学研究院NIM4激光冷却铯原子喷泉钟实现了原子云74cm喷泉,得到SN约200的荧光飞行时间信号。

    The realization of 74 cm fountain of atomic clouds , obtaining fluorescence signal of time of flight with S / N ~ 200 , on NIM4 # laser cooling - Cs atomic fountain clock is described .

  3. 为建立国家法定电压基准,中国计量科学研究院(NIM)对1-V和10-V约瑟夫森串联结阵电压标准进行了研究。

    1-V and 10-V Josephson junction series array voltage standards have been investigated at National Institute of Metrology ( NIM ), P.R. China in order to establish the national legal primary voltage standard .

  4. 最后利用中国计量科学院提供的仪器场地及其测试软件,对频率高于1GHz时场校准进行了研究。

    Finally the calibration of field for frequencies above 1 GHz was researched by using equipment , anechoic chamber , and testing software offered by National Institute of Metrology P.R. China .

  5. 本文概要介绍中国计量科学研究院于1986年建立的国家气压基准器的原理、结构和性能。它的测量范围为0~120kPa,测量的总不确定度(3δ)为2PPm。

    This paper briefly describes the principle , structure and performances of the national primary standard manometer built at the NIM in 1986 . It covers a pressure range of 0 to 120 kPa with the total uncertainty ( 3 σ) of 2 ppm .

  6. 单位:中国计量学院体育军事部。

    SETTING : Department of Military Sports , China Metrology College .

  7. 本文综述了中国计量科学研究院研制的激光功率和能量标准。

    Some standards of laser power and energy at NIM are summarized .

  8. 中国计量科学研究院与国际计量局约瑟夫森电压基准之间的直接和间接比对

    Direct and Indirect Comparisons of Josephson Junction Array Voltage Standards Between BIPM and NIM

  9. 中国计量科学研究院真空标准简评

    Brief commentary on the vacuum standards of NIM

  10. 中国计量科学研究院建成量子化霍尔电阻标准

    The quantum hall resistance standard in NIM

  11. 传教士对中国计量的贡献

    Missionaries ' Contributions to Chinese Metrology

  12. 中国计量技术和仪器制造学会

    China Society for Metrology & Instrumentation

  13. 介绍了中国计量科学研究院建立的光纤折射率分布和几何参数标准测量装置。

    A standard measuring apparatus of optical fiber refractive index profiles and geometric parameters has been established in NIM .

  14. 地球观念的传入及其对中国计量发展的影响

    The Introduction of the Earth - Globe Theory into China and Its Influence upon the Development of Chinese Metrology

  15. 本次校准所使用的测量装置均溯源至保存在中国计量科学研究院的国家计量基准。

    The measuring equipment used in the calibration is traceable to national primary standards maintained in National Institute of Metrology ( NIM ) .

  16. 超声功率传递标准是采用中国计量科学研究院研制的标准石英晶体换能器组成的一个标准超声源。

    A set of standard quartz transducers with impedance matching units is developed at NIM to be used as an ultrasonic power transfer standard .

  17. 还用它作为传递规对中国计量科学研究院的几套真空标准进行了比对,初步结果是满意的。

    The FB-1 gauge had been used as a transfer gauge for comparison among the vacuum standards in MIN and the preliminary result was satisfactory .

  18. 此原理已应用于中国计量科学研究院的《非铁磁金属电导率基准》的建立,不确定度达到0.06%,其技术指标处于国际领先水平。

    This new principle has been applied to the establishment of the NIM conductivity standards for nonferrous metals . The total uncertainty is about 0.06 %

  19. 本文叙述了中国计量科学研究院低功率因数功率测量标准中的主要部件&电压乘法器的原理和实验结果。

    The design principle and experimental results of a new voltage multiplier for the power measurement standard with a low power factor in NIM are described .

  20. 较详细地介绍了中国计量学院电路与电子技术实验课程综合改革。

    In this paper , we introduced the works on the comprehensive and systematic reform of the circuit and electronic technology experiment course in China Institute of Metrology .

  21. 本文报导中国计量科学研究院在建立0&630℃范围内国际实用温标时所使用的仪器和技术。

    In present paper the apparatus and techniques used in NIM for realization of International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 from 0 ℃ to 630 ℃ are described .

  22. 中国计量科学研究院采用更有学术价值但难度更大的绝对光谱辐射法测量热力学温度,其辐射温度计称为绝对辐射温度计。

    Now a more academic value , also more difficult measurement called the absolute radiation thermometer has been adopted and established firstly in National Institute of Metrology P.R.China .

  23. 基于中国计量研究院在计量学领域里的前沿研究成果,介绍了国际上现代计量技术的发展趋势。

    It is an introduction about the advance of modern metrological testing technology based on research results of the metrological testing technology in the National Institute of Metrology of China .

  24. 首先对中国计量行业进行概要介绍,对沈阳飞机设计研究所计量测试中心的现状以及发展趋势进行了简单介绍,引出问题。

    Firstly , simply introduce the measurement industry , the M & C center 's situation and development trends and the relationship between them now and late , then the question appears .

  25. 在中国计量科学研究院研制的氦氖激光管上,利用反射率为99.95%的宽带激光反射镜,得到同时辐射六种波长的连续振荡。

    The CW radiation at six wavelengths has been observed simultaneously in a He-Ne laser tube developed in the NIM Using wide band reflecting mirrors with a reflection coefficient of 99.95 % .

  26. 上位机重构出来的图像通过了客观测试标准,获得中国计量科学研究院的认证,可以应用于实际的船载航行数据记录仪。

    The image reconstructed by PC passes the object test standards . The authentication of the National Institute of Metrology is obtained . It acquires high practical value and can be applied in the practical Voyage Data Recorder .

  27. 本文介绍1986年7月中国计量科学研究院与联邦德国物理技术研究院就两国的射频电压标准进行的一次比对,比对结果表明,两国的标准是非常一致的。

    An intercomparison of RF voltage standards between the NIM of China and the PTB of West Germany was carried out in Beijing , in July 1986 . The results show that the RF voltage standards of the two countries are in good agreement .

  28. 明末清初,在传教士带来的西方科学的影响下,中国计量领域出现了一些新的概念和单位,以及新的计量仪器。

    Between the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty , under the influence of the Western science brought along by missionaries , some new concepts and units as well as new metrological apparatus appeared in the field of traditional Chinese metrology .

  29. 本文介绍了1982年4月中国计量科学研究院与日本电子技术总合研究所就微波功率标准和微波阻抗标准进行的一次国际比对。结果表明,两国的标准是非常一致的。

    The intercomparison of microwave power standards and microwave impedance standards between the National Institute of Metrology of China and the Electrotechnical Laboratory of Japan was carried out in Tokyo , April 1982 . Results show that these standards are in good agreement in the two countries .

  30. 在中国,计量气温的方法用℃,而不用F。

    Temperature is measured in Celsius , not Fahrenheit in China .