
dī shēnɡ
  • low;in a low voice;under one's breath
  • undertone
低声 [dī shēng]
  • [in a low voice; undertone] 低的或放低的声音

  • 在一个角落,低声闲谈

  1. 他低声用隐密的语气说话。

    He spoke in a confidential tone , his voice low .

  2. 他焦虑地低声说话。

    He spoke in a low , strained voice .

  3. 我们低声交谈,以免别人听到。

    We talked quietly so as not to be overheard .

  4. 那条狗龇着牙低声吼叫。

    The dog bared its teeth in a snarl .

  5. “别烦我!”她生气地低声说。

    ' Leave me alone ! ' she hissed .

  6. 他低声对我说他害怕。

    He whispered to me that he was afraid .

  7. 他生气地低声要他们安静点。

    He hissed at them to be quiet .

  8. 她听到打碎玻璃的响声,接着是低声的咒骂。

    She heard the sound of breaking glass , followed by a muttered oath .

  9. 他们彼此低声倾吐着爱慕之情。

    They were whispering endearments to each other .

  10. 他低声哼着一支熟悉的小曲。

    He was humming a familiar tune .

  11. 他们在低声说话。

    They were speaking in low voices .

  12. 她低声应答。

    She answered in a faint murmur .

  13. 她恶狠狠地低声说话。

    She spoke in a fierce whisper .

  14. 你们两人在低声说些什么?

    What are you two whispering about ?

  15. 人群低声赞叹着。

    The crowd murmured in appreciation .

  16. 狗朝我们低声吼叫。

    The dog snarled at us .

  17. 她低声道谢。

    She murmured her thanks .

  18. 她低声表示同意。

    She murmured her agreement .

  19. 雷切尔低声说了些什么,听不清楚。

    Rachel whispered something incoherent .

  20. 他这般低声耳语,只有朱莉听得见。

    He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him .

  21. 对一些基本工作权利的承诺引来一片低声的赞许。

    The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval

  22. 衣着光鲜的顾客们边吃边斯文地低声聊着天。

    Well-dressed clients were talking in polite undertones as they ate .

  23. 克罗斯听得到他对萨拉低声说话。

    Cross could hear him speaking in low tones to Sarah .

  24. 那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,尾巴也跟着摇摆。

    The dog was biting , growling and wagging its tail .

  25. 克罗斯清了清嗓子,开始有礼貌地低声说话。

    Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low , polite tones .

  26. 她低声咕哝了一句:“为什么偏偏是今天。”

    ' Today of all days , ' she mumbled .

  27. “呆在这里别动,”我低声呵斥她。

    ' Stay here , ' I hissed at her .

  28. 她坐在罗西的膝盖上,听他低声耳语。

    She sat on Rossi 's knee as he whispered in her ear

  29. “你不明白。”他低声说道。

    ' You don 't understand , ' he breathed .

  30. “这是不是太不可思议了?”她低声说。

    ' Isn 't this marvelous ? ' she cooed .