
hé chàng
  • chorus
合唱 [hé chàng]
  • [chorus] 两组以上歌唱者各按本组所担任的声部演唱同一首歌曲的一种声乐演唱形式

  • 混声合唱

合唱[hé chàng]
  1. 学生扮演一些次要角色,并且参与合唱。

    Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus .

  2. 我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。

    All of us joined lustily in the chorus .

  3. 围在钢琴边来个合唱怎么样?

    How about a nice sing-along around the piano ?

  4. 他收录自世界各地的合唱音乐集取名为《声音》。

    His collection of choral music from around the world is called ' Voices ' .

  5. 我从来没有听过这首歌的合唱。

    Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus .

  6. 这时候该乐队的歌曲《触摸》的合唱版响起,场景切换成了日出(也可能是日落)。

    The scene cuts to a sunrise , or possibly a sunset , as a choral version of the group 's song " Touch " plays .

  7. 倘若CEO们要在这个收益发布季节合唱一曲的话,他们或许会不约而同地提及强大的美元。

    If there was a chorus to be sung this earnings season , CEOs would probably reference the mighty greenback in harmony .

  8. 广告中她的GlossyPosse唇彩放在泳池里,配乐是克里斯·布朗和她合唱的《ComeTogether》。

    The clip shows her Glossy Posse lip gloss products in a pool , soundtracked by Chris Brown 's H.E.R. collaboration " Come Together . "

  9. 小泉在任首相期间访问美国田纳西州的格雷斯兰时与时任美国总统乔治?W?布什合唱猫王的热门歌曲,显示了其善于利用媒体的一面。

    While in office , Koizumi displayed his media savvy by singing Elvis hits during a visit to Graceland , Tennessee , with then US president George W.Bush .

  10. 在格莱美的颁奖典礼上,LadyGaga和埃尔顿•约翰(EltonJohn)同用一架钢琴表演了合唱。

    At Sunday 's awards show , Lady Gaga is expected to play a duet on a single piano with Elton John .

  11. 在实际的Web环境中针对4个搜索引擎算法进行了测试,结果发现,经模糊积分后的算法能较好地平衡合唱效应和黑马效应,并能获得更好的信息融合结果。

    Four different search engines are tested in the practical web environment , and the results show that the algorithm can balance chorus effect and dark horse effect better after fuzzy integral is carried out , and the information merger can be obtained well .

  12. 充满传奇色彩的滚石乐队周一晚上在芝加哥联合中心举办了演唱会,乡村音乐巨星泰勒斯威夫特作为特邀嘉宾,和乐队主唱贾格尔一起动人地合唱了1965年的永恒经典《AsTearsGoBy》。

    The country superstar was the surprise guest of the legendary rockers ' concert at Chicago 's United Center Monday night , joining Mick Jagger for a touching duet of the Stones ' timeless 1965 classic As Tears Go By .

  13. 还有她在《纽约欢迎你》中用甜蜜的长音唱“beat”这个字,以及在《你只需要留下》(AllYouHadtoDoWasStay)里不肯服从的背景合唱。

    Or the way she sweetly drags out the long e in " beat " on " Welcome to New York " ; or the bratty background chorus chants on " All You Had to Do Was Stay . "

  14. 一个列表包含有REM的EverybodyHurts,ArethaFranklin的WhataDifferenceaDayMakes,以及Simon与Garfunkel合唱的经典歌曲BridgeOverTroubledWater。

    One comprises of songs like REM 's " Everybody Hurts " Aretha Franklin 's version of " What a Difference a Day Makes " and Simon and Garfunkel 's epic " Bridge Over Troubled Water . "

  15. 在男孩专修课的第一晚,还包含一段音乐间奏——《阴茎歌剧》(ThePenisOpera),内有数名男孩的假声合唱,并由他们父亲的低音来为他们和声。

    The first night of the boys " course includes a musical interlude , " The Penis Opera , " in which the falsetto of the boys is set off by the bass of their fathers .

  16. 我不想承认我选择马拉喀什只是因为美国民谣合唱团体“Crosby,Stills&Nash”的一首歌,而我到非斯旅行则是因为滑稽帽子。

    I didn 't want to admit I chose Marrakech because of a Crosby , Stills & Nash song and that I was travelling to Fez because of the funny hats .

  17. 他们让我想起了有关戏剧界的电影,电影里颤抖的合唱女孩们等待着从通风的舞台两侧上台,就像德加(degas)舞者。

    They make me think of films about the theatrical world in which trembling chorus girls wait to make their entrances in draughty wings , captured like Degas dancers .

  18. 当地唱诗班、学校学生和午餐中的白领们都一同加入进合唱的队伍,这打破了之前保持的由897个人聚集在一起高歌“intheround”的吉尼斯世界记录.

    Local choirs , school groups and lunching office workers joined in , breaking the previous record for singing " in the round , " where two groups sing exactly the same melody , beginning at different times - to break the previous record of 897 , according to Guinness World Records .

  19. 用户有责任发展关爱大使,遵守《ZAOM国际保护条例》,组织员工合唱《ZAOM条例歌》;

    Users have the responsibility to develop caring ambassadors , to comply with " ZAOM International Protection Regulations ", organized employee chorus " ZAOM Bill Song ";

  20. 诡异的声乐组合“Pentatonix”就反映了这种变化,他们从YouTube网站起步,一跃而为去年最畅销的组合,星期日,这个组合凭其《蠢朋克》(DaftPunk)一曲获得了最佳器乐或无伴奏合唱编曲奖。

    The quirky vocal group Pentatonix has reflected that change , starting with YouTube and culminating in one of last year 's top-selling albums , and on Sunday the group won best instrumental or a cappella arrangement for its track " Daft Punk . "

  21. 合唱艺术的大众文化趋向及美育特征

    The Tendency of Popular Culture and Aesthetic Education in Chorus Art

  22. 《壮天歌》合唱部分的艺术特色

    The Artistic Characteristic in the Chorus Section of Zhuang Tian Ge

  23. 下一届世界合唱节将在美国辛辛那提市举行。

    The next World Choir Games will be held in Cincinnati .

  24. 节目以老艺术家们的合唱开始。

    The programme opened with the chorus of the old artists .

  25. 论合唱艺术在校园文化活动中的教育功能

    On the Educational Function of Chorus on the Campus Cultural Activity

  26. 青少年变声期合唱训练探析

    A Probe on Chorus Training at Period of Youngsters ' Changing Sound

  27. 他们表演一开始先是一个混声合唱。

    They teed off their programme with a mixed chorus .

  28. 他们齐声合唱叠句。浅谈美声唱法与当代民族唱法的融合

    On the Integration of Bel Canto and Modern Folk Singing

  29. 你给我唱一首歌,天使们就开始了合唱。

    You sang to me and angelic choirs burst forth in song .

  30. 类比合唱指挥与音乐教师之间的关系

    The Relationship between a Chorus Director and a Music Teacher