
  • 【地名】【泰国】Ban Hat Yai
  1. β-环糊精包合艾叶挥发油的研究

    Study on β - cyclodextrin inclusion techniques for volatile oil in Artemisia leaves

  2. 所以合艾是泰国汉语教育最为集中的地方。

    So Hai Yai is one of the most concentrations of Chinese education .

  3. 合艾与中国有密切的交往关系,这里有浓厚的中国生活风格,甚至有相似的信仰。

    Hat Yai has close relationship with China , and has the atmosphere of Chinese lives style , even has the same religious belief .

  4. 合艾位于泰国南部宋卡府,是泰南十四府的交通、商贸、咨询和教育的中心,有泰南心脏之称。

    Hat Yai is located in Songkhla of South Thailand , it is the center of transportation , trade & commerce , information and education in fourteen provinces of South Thailand , so it is called " South Thailand ' heart " .

  5. 合艾居民中泰籍华人占多数,主要是客家人、潮州人。华人经济实力雄厚,华人社团组织有二十一个,同乡会及各姓氏宗亲会六十多个。

    The population of Hat Yai has so many Chinese Thai , mainly from Hakka and ChaoZhou , Chinese in Hat Yai own powerful economic strength , there are twenty one Chinese communities , more than sixty associations of fellow town and the surname clan .