
  • 网络coimbatore;Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
  1. tcs在哥印拜陀已找出略多于100家公司(其中包括geekay),认为它们能在为客户制造零部件和完成工程产品方面发挥作用。

    TCS has identified just over 100 companies in Coimbatore including Geekay which it thinks could play a role in making parts and complete engineering products on behalf of its clients .

  2. 事实上,泰米尔纳德邦的蒂鲁巴和哥印拜陀市正在快速地取代古吉拉特邦的阿默达巴德和苏拉特,成为印度纺织业的中心。

    In fact , Tirupur and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu are fast displacing Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat as the leading textile centres of India .

  3. 哥印拜陀的实业家们也表示感到愤怒与错愕。

    Industrialists in coimbature have also expressed anger and dismay .

  4. 该公司总部位于哥印拜陀市郊的一大片厂区,有500名雇员,大多数人使用的是其它工业化国家认为已经过时的设备。

    The business is based on a large site on the outskirts of Coimbatore and has 500 employees , mostly working with equipment that would be considered outdated in other parts of the industrialised world .