
  • 网络The Copernican Revolution
  1. 从希腊天学到哥白尼革命(下篇)

    From Greek Cosmology to Copernican Revolution ( II )

  2. 哥白尼革命的另一种解读&从数学哲学的角度看

    A New Interpretation of the Copernican Revolution in View of the Philosophy of Mathematics

  3. 这些都为康德的宗教思想的哥白尼革命打下基础。

    All these laid Kant 's " Copernicus revolution " of religious thinking on the ground .

  4. 在道德中心论的基础上他重建了宗教,实现了宗教思想的哥白尼革命。

    Based on the theory of moral he completed the reconstruction of religious , and achieved " Copernicus Revolution " of the religion .

  5. 古代的教育显示为身体教育学。哥白尼革命导致身体教育学的沦陷,脑袋越来越大,身体越来越小。

    Body-based Pedagogy characterizes ancient education , while it is occupied with Copernican Revolution , as such human 's head grew increasingly bigger but body smaller .

  6. 三场另类的哥白尼革命导致身体教育学再次复兴,教育由此而关注整个身体的生长而不只是关注脑袋的发展。

    Body-based Pedagogy is revived with the three heterodox Copernican revolutions , which urges education to concentrate on the growth of whole body other than the head exclusively .

  7. 一些学者认为它是继笛卡儿、康德以后认识论发展史上的第三次哥白尼革命,它导致了全部认识论的大翻转。

    Some scholars thought it is " third Copernican revolutionizes " of epistemology domain after Descartes and Kant , and cause the complete " large reversal " for epistemology .

  8. 康德把道德的基础建立在善良意志之上,阐明了道德的普遍形式特征,高扬了人的主体性,从而实现了伦理学中的哥白尼革命。

    Kant established moral base on the kind will , illustrated moral ( widespread ) formal feature , mainly showed human subject characteristic as to achieve " the ( Copernicus ) revolution " in ethics .

  9. 以哥白尼革命和牛顿力学为基础的近代科学革命为人的发现建立了必要的理论基础,重新确立了上帝与人的关系,即人在宇宙中的地位。

    Technological revolution on the basis of Copernicus ' revolution and Newtonian mechanics provided an essential theoretical basis for resuming the identity of man and establishing a relation between God and man & man 's position in space .

  10. 本体论维度:哥白尼式革命

    Ontological Dimension : " Copernicus ' Revolution "

  11. 康德的哥白尼式革命不是认识论意义上的而是本体论意义上的思维方式变革。

    Copernicus ' Revolution of Kant is not a change in ideology but in ontology .

  12. 休谟的怀疑论哲学是引发康德“哥白尼式革命”的“一颗火星”。

    Hume 's philosophy of skepticism is a fuse of Kant 's revolution like Copernicus .

  13. 从形而上学到行而上学:康德哲学哥白尼式革命的实质

    From " Metaphysics " to " Practical Metaphysics ": On the Substance of Kant 's Copernican Revolution in Philosophy

  14. 康德先验哲学哥白尼式革命的主旨是反实体主义的思维方式,但为一次不成功的尝试。

    The leitmotiv of Kantian transcendental philosophy 's Copernicus style revolution is a mode of thinking of anti-substantialism , but this is an unsuccessful try .

  15. 被称为“哥白尼式革命”的新公共管理运动,其核心是主张建立“企业化政府”,实现公共服务市场化。

    The core of the so-called Copernican Revolution of the public management movement is the establishment of a market-oriented government and the realization of market-oriented public services .

  16. 后现代主义是对现代性的超越,是在政治经济、文化艺术、意识形态、世界观、人生观、价值观、科学观等领域,发生的一次哥白尼式革命。

    Postmodernism , as a transcendence of modernism , is a Copernicus revolution taking place in spheres such as political economy , culture and arts , ideology , life outlook , values and scientific outlook .

  17. 本文第三部分通过对康德解决自由问题这一理论事实本身的分析,揭示暗含在自由理论中的康德为重建形而上学的内在精神的努力,并阐明这一过程实现的哲学意义上的哥白尼式革命。

    The third part pass through the analysis to resolve the freedom , announce and imply the inherent spirit through Kant 's efforts to reconstruct metaphysics , and clarify the Copernican revolution on the philosophy meaning in this course .

  18. 文化价值管理理论是对传统管理理论模式的全面超越和扬弃,这种以突现人的主体性为核心的管理理论的哥白尼式革命与康德的哥白尼式革命有着异曲同工之趣。

    Culture value management theory which surpasses and sublates traditional management theory pattern comprehensively , is a profound " Copernican revolution " based on human subject nature in management idea history , which is different in approach but equally satisfactory in result with Kant 's " Copernican revolution " .

  19. 20世纪西方哲学的语言学转向被称为是现代哲学的一场“哥白尼式”革命。

    The linguistic turn of Western Philosophy in the20th century is called a " copernicus " revolution of modern philosophy .

  20. 卢梭上承柏拉图这位智性哲学家的思想,下启康德这位哲学史上哥白尼式的革命家。

    Rousseau 's thinking continued from Plato 's thinking and introduced the Copernicus like revolutionary in philosophic history , Kant .

  21. 19世纪末20世纪初语言哲学成为哲学研究的中心,西方哲学家通常把这一转变称为语言转向,有人把它形容为一场哥白尼式的革命。

    Over the last century or so the philosophy of language has become the pivotal area of philosophy , which is known as " linguistic turn ", the Copernicus revolution .