
  • 网络dictionary structure
  1. RMT的机械分词使用了一种先进的词典结构,可以提高建立索引和进行搜索引擎的速度。

    RMT has a fast speed of indexing and searching by using an advanced dictionary structure .

  2. 词典结构及其在编译构造中的应用

    A Dictionary Structure and Its Application to Compiler Construction

  3. 计算机双语词典结构研究

    Studies on Computerized Bilingual Dictionary Structure

  4. 文章从心理词典结构和字词加工的角度探讨了这种差异的理论含义。

    The data were discussed in relation to theories of lexicon structure and lexical processing of children .

  5. 称量室可独立运行的物资计量网络系统数据词典结构与维护设计

    Design of data dictionary structure and maintenance for material measurement system in weighing room with independent running ability

  6. 本文还对机译系统构成、设计、词典结构等技术问题进行了探讨,并提出一套规则和结点的评价方法,为消除机器翻译中的句法歧义做了有益的尝试。

    In this article we discuss some technical problems on building system , design , dictionary structure , and we design an evaluation method for the rules and the nodes , with which we try to solve the syntax ambiguities in machine translation .

  7. 根据Hash函数固有的特点,利用数组和链表这两种常见的数据结构,提出一种较为先进的词典存储结构。

    A kind of arithmetic about highly efficient data structure for Chinese electronic treasure is suggested , according to the feature of Hash function and usual array and link table .

  8. 现代汉语语义词典的结构及应用

    Structure and Application of The Semantic Knowledge-base of Modern Chinese

  9. 在双语者心理词典表征结构的问题上一直存在许多争论。

    There are some controversies over the mental lexicon representation structure of bilinguals .

  10. 中文概念词典的结构

    The Structure of Chinese Concept Dictionary

  11. 实验结果表明:词形和学习者的汉语水平都影响到心理词典表征结构以及词汇通达模式。

    The results suggest that the depth of individual word knowledge affect the patterns of lexical representation .

  12. 在主词典的结构中,重点介绍了控制符和特征字。

    Of the structure of the main dictionary , the controlling symbol and the character symbol were mainly introduced .

  13. 本文将着重论述百科信息在美国大学词典宏观结构中的体现以及百科信息的改进方法,以保证大学词典的鲜明特色。

    This paper deals with these expressions in the macrostructure of the American college dictionaries , and further presents some suggestions to ensure the encyclopedic characteristics of the American college dictionaries .

  14. 本研究通过Stroop颜色命名实验范式,研究了汉语作为第二语言双语者心理词典的表征结构和心理词典的联接模式。

    In this research , a Stroop effect and colour naming task were used to examine the mental lexicon representation structure of the subjects of chinese as the second language .

  15. 百科信息体现在词典的宏观结构和微观结构中。

    Encyclopedic information finds its expression both in macrostructure and microstructure of dictionary .

  16. 电子词典的数据结构设计

    The Design of Data Structure for Electronic Dictionary

  17. 词类标注与词典的宏观结构和微观结构有密切关系。

    POS labeling is deeply concerned with the macrostructure and microstructure of a dictionary .

  18. 在词典的微观结构中,释义是其中的核心和灵魂。

    In the microscopic structure of a dictionary , definition is the core and soul part .

  19. 在这方面,本文主要讨论了译学词典的宏观结构、微观结构及其装帧特征。

    In this respect , the dissertation mainly talks about the macrostructure , microstructure , and the physical features .

  20. 您仍然需要先根据所选的词汇表、词典和音素结构定义其他文件,然后才可以构建模型,但是这至少给了您一个起点。

    You still need to define other files depending on vocabulary , lexicon , and phoneme structure chosen before you can build the model , but this at least gives you a start .

  21. 其中结合双语词典和句法结构特征的方法分别在准确率和召回率方面有所提高,基于规则的方法在各方面表现优异,达到了0.2503的最低词对齐错误率。

    Experiments show that combining dictionaries and syntactic structures method improve in precision and recall respectively . The rule based method works excellent in both aspects , reaching the lowest alignment error rate ( AER ) 0.2503 . Additionally , we employ the concept of classic study .

  22. 应用数据词典构造基于Web结构的数据库中间件

    Using data dictionary to construct Web - Based database middleware

  23. 文中对词典的一般组织结构作了简单的介绍,并通过实例将其与新的词典结构作了比较。

    We have also summarized the general structures of electronic dictionaries , and compared it to the new structure using real examples .

  24. 设计比较实验,验证典型分词词典机制及其改进结构和本文提出的改进结构及分词方法的性能。

    Designed experiments to verify the performance of the typical dictionary mechanism and their improved structure and our methods on Chinese word segmentation .

  25. 针对蛋白质二级结构预测这一生物信息学中的经典问题,提出了一种基于蛋白质模式词典的二级结构预测方法,并结合隐马尔可夫模型为蛋白质确定最佳的二级结构序列。

    A new prediction method based on protein pattern dictionary ( DBP ) is proposed for solving the protein secondary structure prediction ( PSSP ) problem , which uses hidden Markov model to find the best secondary structure sequence for each protein sequence .

  26. 两个词典都以文本类型文件存在,词典结构均相同。

    The two dictionaries are both English-Chinese dictionaries in the text file format of identical structure .

  27. 在词典辅助编纂平台中词典数据微观数据结构是基础,所有的功能实现都建立在该微观数据结构上。

    Dictionary micro-data structure is the basic of the dictionary compiling and generating platform , and all functions rely on the Micro-data Structure .

  28. 最后,在基于词典的分词算法的基础上,改进并给出了全词索引词典结构,大大提高了分词算法的速度。

    A enhanced full word index dictionary structure is introduced . This can improve the segmentation algorithm speed dramatically .

  29. 隐喻机制下多义词的义项间联系及其词典表征方式实验结果表明:词形和学习者的汉语水平都影响到心理词典表征结构以及词汇通达模式。

    A Metaphor-based Study in the Relationships Among Items of an Entry and Their Presentation in Dictionaries The results suggest that the depth of individual word knowledge affect the patterns of lexical representation .