
  • 网络Change of part of speech;conj;word-activity
  1. 维吾尔语是一个黏着性语言,有丰富的词性变化体系,词语按其意义和语法特征聚合成若干类别,而且每一类词都有自己的形态特征和句法特点。

    The Uighur is an agglutinating language with abundant morphological system , the words come together into some categories in accordance with their meanings and grammatical characteristic , and each type of words have their own morphological and syntactic traits .

  2. 同根异缀词的词义规律表现为:不同的前缀蕴涵着不同的词义,词性的变化有时会导致前缀的变异。

    The semantic rules of these prefixes manifest themselves in that different prefixes have different meanings and the change of part of speech sometimes will lead to the alternation of the prefixes .

  3. 本文对汉语中叠音词汉译英的方法作了探讨,认为单音词(或字)重迭后,词性词义发生变化的叠音词,宜采用意译方法;

    This paper explores the approach too translate Chinese reduplications into English , it also points out that the method of liberal translation should be adopted to the reduplications of which meaning , syntactical functions and morphological features change after the monosyllabic word is overlapped ;