
  • 网络motivation
  1. 词的理据和文化历史的关系

    Motivation of Words and its Relation to Culture and History

  2. 从汉语词的理据入手,倒是认定汉语语素惟一有效的途径。

    It is the only practicable approach to identify Morpheme by studying Motivation .

  3. 汉语词的理据性分析

    Analysis on the Reason and Basis of the Chinese Words

  4. 数字及数字复合词的理据分析

    Analysis of Numerals and the compound words motivation

  5. 英语拟声词的理据和认知策略

    English Onomatopoeias : Motivations and Cognitive Strategies

  6. 法语词的理据探析

    On the motivation of French words

  7. 汉语词的理据特点

    The Motivation Features of Chinese Words

  8. 词的理据理论与词汇教学

    On Lexical Motivation and Vocabulary Teaching

  9. 词的理据性思想会促进外语学习者的词汇学习效果,然而缺少实证性研究的支持。

    Semantic motivation of lexis will make learners'vocabulary learning effective , empirical study is not available in it .

  10. 本文以现代汉语复合式合成词的理据为研究对象,从历时的角度进行较为全面的考察。

    This dissertation studies the motivation of root-compound words in modern Chinese as its object , investigating it diachronically and comprehensively .

  11. 探讨理据在语言体系中的地位、外来词的理据等问题对词汇学研究具有重要意义。

    This thesis discusses briefly some questions concerning etymon , such as etymon 's position in the language system and etymon of alien words .

  12. 本文从这一历史故事出发,通过大量的实例进一步地阐明了词的理据和文化历史之间的深刻渊源。

    Extended from its historical story , the article has further presented you with many examples to further illustrate the deep origin of the relation between motivation of words and its culture and its history .

  13. 词语的理据是词汇系统生命的基因。而词的理据研究是从发生学角度来探求词源意义的所在,找出事物和现象获得称说的依据。

    The motivation of words is the gene of the lexical system and the research on it is to seek the generic principle behind the etymological meanings and the foundation for the appellation of objects and phenomena . 1 .

  14. 现代汉语外来词的构词理据

    The Theoretical Reasons of the Word-formation of Loanwords in Modern Chinese Language

  15. 从认知角度看汉语N+N复合词的构建理据

    On Construction of Chinese N + N Compounds from the Cognitive Perspective

  16. 词的形态理据与词汇习得的相关性

    On the relationship between morphological motivation and lexical acquisition

  17. 汉语隐喻复合词的认知理据分析

    An Analysis of Cognitive Motivations to Chinese Metaphoric Compounds

  18. 浅析词汇的记忆与词的形态理据之间的关系

    Relationship Between Remembering of Words And Its Morphological Motivation

  19. 构建英语复合词的认知理据

    Cognitive Motivation in the Construction of English Compounds

  20. 试析双音节外来词的生成理据及其优势

    Generation and Advantage of Loanwords with Two Syllables

  21. 名词、形容词转化的理据和数量语义限制

    Theoretical guidelines in and semantic quantity limits on the transformation between nouns and adjectives

  22. 商标词的构词理据及其翻译

    On Motivation and Translation of Trademark Words

  23. 日语拟声、拟态词的内部理据探索日语拟声词拟态词的形态学特征

    A Study of Internal Motivations in Japanese Onomatopoeia The Morphological Features of Japanese Onomatopoeia and Mimetic Words

  24. 实验结果支持了词的语义理据性教学促进词汇学习效果的假设。

    This experiment verifies the hypothesis that vocabulary teaching in light of semantic motivation is beneficial to college English learners .

  25. 传统训诂学要走向科学化,必须解释词的构成理据,揭示语源。

    The traditional exegesis of the scientific , must be interpreted to constitute the rationale of the word , to reveal the etymology .

  26. 本文尝试着以概念整合理论的视角对英语新词中名-名复合词的认知理据进行了探索。

    This thesis attempts to explore the cognitive motivation in the construction of Noun-Noun compounds in English neologisms from the perspective of conceptual integration theory .

  27. 实验结果支持了词的形态理据对词汇习得有重要影响的假设。

    A brief analysis of the morphological motivation of English and Chinese words The experimental outcomes support such a hypothesis that morphological motivation has a significant influence on lexical acquisition .

  28. 浅谈英语商标词构成的心理理据

    On the mental motivation of English product brand in design

  29. 汉语四方方位词的成词理据

    Basis of Word-formation of the Nouns of Locality in Chinese

  30. 蒙古语中谐音对词的构成及理据

    Structure and Motivation of Harmonic Pair Words in Mongolian