
  • 网络Human resource efficiency;HRE;HR effectiveness
  1. 三是改革人事分配制度,充分发挥妇幼卫生人力资源效能;

    Reforming personnel distribution system , to exert maternal and child health person resources ' efficiency ;

  2. 战略性薪酬绩效指标体系由人力资源效能指标体系和企业绩效指标体系构成。(5)战略性薪酬绩效的实证研究。

    The index system of strategic compensation performance is composed by human resources efficiency and enterprise performance . 5 .

  3. 随着护理工作的重要性日益突出,护理人力资源效能的发挥,直接决定着医院护理服务乃至整个医疗服务的水平和质量。

    With the increased importance of nursing care , the efficacy of nursing human resource will directly determine the level of hospital care as well as the quality of medical services .

  4. 发展战略或者竞争战略与薪酬体系匹配通过人力资源效能中间变量对企业绩效产生积极影响,数据分析表明,存在部分中介效应。

    Through the intermediate variable of human resources efficiency , the development strategy or competitive strategy matched with the compensation system , and exerted an active influence on the enterprise performance , data analysis shows that these present some of the mediating effect . 6 .

  5. 提高企业人力资源总体效能的对策

    Preliminary Suggestions for the Promotion of Overall Efficacy of Human Resources in Enterprises

  6. 战略人力资源管理效能评价指标体系研究

    Research on the Index System for Evaluating Strategic Human Resource Management 's Effectiveness

  7. 摘要人力资源总体效能决定了企业实现其商业目标的程度。

    The overall efficacy of human resources determines the extent to which an organization could achieve its goal .

  8. 在现代信息技术的基础上,通过用先进的绩效管理理念进行绩效管理信息系统设计,实现企业对员工绩效的信息化管理,进一步发挥企业人力资源的效能,从而达到提升企业核心竞争力的目的。

    In the modern information technology basis , it could improve the enterprise core competency by using the advanced performance management theory .

  9. 分析目前国内企业人力资源管理效能衡量模式的研究动态,并进一步探讨了企业人力资源管理效能衡量模式研究的发展趋势和研究空间。

    It analyzes and synthesizes the current research of the measurement model of enterprise human resource management effectiveness , and further discusses its development trend and research space .

  10. 在深入分析影响企业人力资源总体效能的各因素的基础上,进一步就如何提高人力资源总体效能给出了具体的对策:做好人力规划、优化工作设计、完善激励机制。

    This paper first analyses the factors affecting the overall efficacy of human resources , then gives some specific suggestions : making effective HR planning , optimizing job design , and perfecting award mechanism .

  11. 但目前民营企业面临的最大的问题不是资金、产品和市场,而是如何建立有效的绩效管理体系来吸引人才、留住人才,使人力资源的效能最大化。

    But the biggest problems faced by private enterprises are not capital , product and market , but how to build an effective performance management system to attract and retain talent , to maximize the effectiveness of human resources .

  12. 通过论文的研究发掘区域差异对薪酬水平的影响与企业总体薪酬策略制定的内在联系,建立起一种切实有效的研究方法,进而提高企业的人力资源管理效能。

    Through the research paper explore regional gap in the level of salary and the impacts of enterprise general salary strategy formulation inner link , establish a practical and effective research methods , and further increase the enterprise human resources management efficiency .

  13. 人才,是企业制胜必不可少的资源,让人力资源发挥最大效能是确保企业持续发展的根本。

    Talent is essential to winning business resources and human resources to enable maximum performance to ensure the sustainable development of the fundamental business .

  14. 在“运输一体化”改革过程中,新的用人机制和新的分配机制大大激发了人力资源的最佳效能。

    During the process of integrating transportation reform , new system of labor power employment and new income distribution system inspire the initiative of employees .

  15. 因此建构一套适合网络服务行业需要的薪酬设计方法和体系,对于充分调动知识型工作者的工作积极性,充分发挥该类行业人力资源管理的效能有极大影响。

    Constructing a system of salary distribution and a related evaluating system of achievement-benefit , which meets the requirement of IT companies is of much importance for efficiently stimulating knowledge workers and managing human resources .

  16. 企业人力资源管理与领导效能关系实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Human Resource Management and Leadership Validity of Enterprises

  17. 战略性人力资源管理对组织效能的影响是一个既有直接作用,也有间接作用的过程。

    Cooperative SHRM has the most significant positive effect on the organizational effectiveness , especially on Human Relation Effectiveness and Rational Goal Effectiveness . ( 3 ) The Strategic human resource management has both direct and indirect positive effect on organizational effectiveness .

  18. 现代人事管理应具备下列主要职能:1.加大人力资本投资力度,强化人力资源管理效能。

    Modern personnel administration should : ( 1 ) increase the investment of human capital and make more effective the administration of human resources ;

  19. 充分调动人的积极性、创造性,挖掘人力资源的潜能,使现有人力资源的效能得到最大限度的发挥。

    The colleges and universities are required to fully encourage human enthusiasm and creation , excavate the potential of human resources and make the efficiency of present human resources fully developed .

  20. 以人为本、完善机制,对人力资源管理进行战略性定位,提高人力资源管理效能,是实现高校人力资源管理科学化的基本要求。研究高校人力资源管理伦理具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    The basic requirement for HRM in a scientific way is that management efficacy improvement should be achieved through the strategic positioning of the role of HRM and practicing " human standard " and improving management mechanism .

  21. 管理效能最优化是高校人力资源管理伦理追求的终极价值目标,提高高校人力资源管理的效能,应当合理配置人力资源,充分调动师生员工的积极性和创造性。

    The ultimate value goal of the HRM in high school is the optimization of management efficacy , which requires a proper allocation of HR to bring the initiative and creativity of both staff and students into full play .

  22. 通过公共图书馆人力资源会计成本核算,可以客观评价公共图书馆的人力资源,激发人力资源效能。因此,实行公共图书馆的人力资源会计制度势在必行。

    The calculation of the human resources accounting cost can appraise the human resources of the public library impersonality , intrigue efficiently the sufficiency of human resources , so it is imperative to put into effect the public library accounting system in the near future .

  23. 借鉴人力资源管理理论,提出优化高校辅导员角色的要求和对策,促进学生工作的开展,保障辅导员工作权益,提高高校人力资源管理效能。

    Reference human resources management theory , and puts forward the inconsistence management requirements and countermeasures , and promote the development of students ' work , optimize the role management , improve university human resources management efficiency .