
rén qiánɡ
  • wall;human barricade
  • crown of people
人墙 [rén qiáng]
  • [crown of people]若干人紧靠着站成一排,起阻挡作用

  1. 他们排起人墙对付任意球。

    They 've built a wall of players for a free kick .

  2. 5号队员踢了个孤线球越过对方人墙。

    No. 5 bent a ball around the defense wall .

  3. 消防人员拒不冲破围厂队伍人墙。

    Fire crews refused to cross the picket line .

  4. 矿工正设法让工厂工人加入他们的纠察队人墙。

    The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line

  5. 武警人墙再度被冲破。

    The military police barricade has been broken through again .

  6. 丹尼斯说他们把孩子当作人墙。

    Denis says they 're using the children as a human shield .

  7. 警察在办公室入口处搭起人墙。

    As police formed a barricade around the office entrance .

  8. 守门员正在指挥筑人墙。

    The goalkeeper organizing to build up a wall .

  9. 罚任意球时我们还需要人墙吗

    Do We Need the Defensive Wall When Free Kicking

  10. 特工人员组成的一堵人墙。

    A wall of secret service men .

  11. 据称一些当地人称,他们试图组成人墙,阻止坦克进入。

    Some local people are said to have tried to form human chains to stop the tanks .

  12. 保镖在歌手的周围排成密集的人墙,摄影师们无法靠近。

    Body-guards had formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn 't get to her .

  13. 任意球的罚球点需要与人墙保持10码的距离。

    They use it to draw a line ten yards away from the kicker before a free kick .

  14. 在对方任意球射门时,要提高守门员与人墙的配合。

    When the other side a free kick shot , To raise the wall with the goalkeeper with others .

  15. 身着制服的警察也在博克街和天鹅屯街交界处的奈克商店门前形成了一道“人墙”。

    And uniformed police have formed a " human wall " in front of the Nike store at the corner of Bourke and Swanston streets .

  16. 昨天晚上,只是为了能瞟一眼偶像罗伯特帕丁森的风采,数以百计的少女像人墙一样把伦敦西区被层层包裹。

    London 's West End was besieged with hundreds of teenage girls last night as they clambered for a glimpse of their idol Robert Pattinson .

  17. 戴着头盔、手持盾牌的防暴警察强行冲破了抗议者用胳膊挽成的封锁行政院入口的人墙。

    Antiriot police , wearing helmets and clutching shields , rammed through a human wall of protesters linked arm-in-arm to block the entrance of the Executive Yuan .

  18. 他们的壮马立在两只后蹄上,跨过行列,从枪刺尖上跳过去,巍然落在那四堵人墙中间。

    Their great horses reared , strode across the ranks , leaped over the bayonets and fell , gigantic , in the midst of these four living wells .

  19. 这位中场球员的射门越过了人墙,洞穿了守门员哈桑·卢得巴里安把手的大门,他的手碰到了皮球却没能将球击出。

    The midfielder floated his shot over the wall and past Iran goalkeeper Hassan Roudbarian , who got a hand to the ball but was unable to keep it out .

  20. 有时他被吹则是因为队友的不明智,因为后者在自己的中锋还没来得及站稳脚跟之前就带着盯防自己的防守队员撞向人墙。

    Sometimes he 'll get whistled because of a teammate 's poor decision , such as dribbling his man into the pick before the center has time to set his feet .

  21. 尽管采取了严格的安全措施,但现场不时发生的意外事件仍不得不让有关方面加强戒备。传递过程中,几名抗议者冲破警方组成的人墙,当时距离火炬仅几步之遥。

    Despite the tightly coordinated security effort , authorities were forced to take further precautions as several protesters broke through the police wall to get within steps of the embattled torch .

  22. 那个女人看上去更野蛮些,她的眼睛不停地打量着直视着她的男人们,还有环绕在我身旁的松散的人墙。她乱糟糟的头发在微风中轻轻颤动着。

    The woman was wilder , her eyes shifting restlessly between the men facing her , and the loose grouping around me , her chaotic hair quivering in the slight breeze .

  23. 每个人都知道是谁搞的鬼,客人们马上在我周围形成了一堵人墙保护我。愤怒的祖母使劲地挥舞着双手,样子就像在人堆里游泳一样。好几次她差点够着我。

    Everyone knew who the culprit was . The guests quickly formed a protective barricade around me , but Grandmother was so furious that she almost got to me anyway , flailing her arms as if trying to swim over the crowd .