
  • musketeer
  1. 近来这位三十有余的演员确认将加入英国喜剧演员詹姆斯·科登的行列,出演3D版本电影《三个火枪手》。

    Recently it was confirmed that the33-year-old actor will be joining British comedian James Corden for the3D version of The Three Musketeers .

  2. 对于一个在伦敦长大的孩子,好莱坞对我来说就是一个神秘的地方,这位出演了《三个火枪手》的演员骄傲地告诉《Variety》杂志。

    ' For a kid in London , Hollywood seems like such a mythical place , ' the Three Musketeers star told Variety of the honor .

  3. 在1998年的电影《铁面人》中,他扮演一个关键的角色Raoul,即与约翰·马尔科维奇决斗的火枪手Athos之子。

    He received his substantial role in the1998 film The Man in the Iron Mask , where he played Raoul , the ill-fated son of John Malkovich 's dueling Musketeer , Athos .

  4. 瑞银交易员还直接与其他银行的对手方接触,他们有时会联手,fsa表示,在网上聊天室,一名瑞银交易员与他在另外两家机构的对手方被称为“三个火枪手”。

    UBS traders also reached out directly to their counterparts at other banks and they sometimes worked in concert a UBS trader and his counterparts at two other groups were referred to in electronic chats as " the three muscateers " the FSA said .

  5. 噢,伙伴们。我们还不是真正的火枪手呢。

    Aw , fellas , we 're not even real musketeers .

  6. 《三个火枪手》&法国历史通俗小说典范之作

    The Three Musketeers & A Model of French Popular Historical Novels

  7. 火枪手可以有个我这样聪明的伙伴。

    The Musketeers can use a clever fella like me .

  8. 我能成为火枪手?除非天上掉下来一头母牛。

    I 'll be a Musketeer when cows fall from the sky .

  9. 敬我们敬我们三个火枪手

    Yeah . To us . To us , the Three Musketeers .

  10. 这就是三个火枪手的结局了吗?

    Could this be the end of the three musketeers ?

  11. 两个人结伴,三个火枪手。

    Tow 's company , three 's. .. the musketeers .

  12. 是的那些被称为书你们这些没文化的火枪手!

    Yes , those are called books , you lowgrade musketeers ! Oh !

  13. 我来此的目的是想请您赐予我一件火枪手军服。

    I came here with the intention of requesting the uniform of a musketeer .

  14. 我的才智是十足火枪手,我的习性不是。

    My head is made out of the musketeer , my habits are not .

  15. 六个火枪手终于重聚了。

    The six Musketeers reunite at last .

  16. 暴民们却对火枪手开枪,火枪手也对暴民还击。

    The mob fired on the musketeers , and the musketeers fired on the mob .

  17. 火枪手以滑膛枪为武器的士兵。

    A soldier armed with a musket .

  18. 皮特让我们成为了火枪手,记得吗?

    Pete made us musketeers , remember ?

  19. 就梦想着成为一位伟大的火枪手。

    Dreamed of being great musketeers .

  20. 《三个火枪手》是谁写的?

    Who wrote The Three Musketeers ?

  21. 与火枪手相比,弓箭手依赖的是自身体能。

    The bowman is dependent for real efficiency on his bodily strength much more than the arquebusier .

  22. 火枪手以滑膛枪为武器的士兵我的才智是十足火枪手,我的习性不是。

    A soldier armed with a musket . My head is made out of the musketeer , my habits are not .

  23. 许亚姆斯说,使用香港风格的动作给了他重拍《三个火枪手》的理由。

    The use of Hong Kong-style action provided a justification for revisiting Alexandre Dumas ' , much-filmed " Three Musketeers " tale , Hyams says .

  24. 一名弓箭手可以每分钟瞄准射击六次,而一名火枪手只能每两三分钟射击一次,这还是在他严格按照程序操作的情况下。

    A bowman can let off six aimed shots in a minute , an arquebusier only one in two or three minutes , when he has gone through all his manual exercise carefully .

  25. 他写小说前近二十年的戏剧创作,为他在《三个火枪手》中别具风格地塑造人物、铺陈对话、组织情节等奠定了坚实的基础。

    He has written drama for nearly twenty years before the novel creation , which has laid a solid foundation for him to create characters and dialogue , organize plot and so on .

  26. 我们没办法把我们的手伸过衣帽间的小洞叠在一起,所以瓦妮特和我牵着手,当男孩们也牵着手(我猜想)说出三个火枪手的口号时。

    We could not all put our hands together through the tiny hole in the locker room , so Vanity and I held hands , while the boys ( I assume ) did their Three-Musketeers slogan .

  27. 书中的主人公少年勇士达达尼昂,怀揣其父留给他的十五个埃居,骑一匹长毛瘦马,告别及亲,远赴巴黎,希望在同乡父执的特雷维尔为队长的国王火枪队里当一名火枪手。

    Set in the 17th century , it recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan after he leaves home to become a guard of the musketeers . D'Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title ;

  28. 凯路迪欧才不是以莫名其妙深受一帮本该被禁止与儿童接触的成年男性欢迎的卡通动画为基础呢,其形象结合了中国独角兽和《三个火枪手》中最年轻的第四个成员达达尼昂的特征。

    Rather than being based on a children 's cartoon that is inexplicably popular with adult men who shouldn 't be allowed near kids , Keldeo is actually based on a combination of a Chinese Unicorn and the fourth , and youngest , member of the Three Musketeers , d'Artagnan .