
huǒ huà
  • cremation;cook
火化 [huǒ huà]
  • (1) [cremation]∶用火焚化,指火葬

  • (2) [cook]∶用火烧熟食物

火化[huǒ huà]
  1. 下一站是去纽约中村清池火葬场美国骨灰安置所(U.S.ColumbariumatFreshPondCrematory)火化。

    Next stop was U.S. Columbarium at Fresh Pond Crematory in Middle Village , for the cremation .

  2. 葬礼承办者对亡者进行火化时通常将心脏起搏器取下。

    Funeral directors normally remove pacemakers when preparing bodies for cremation .

  3. 她想把克里斯的尸体火化。

    She wants Chris to be cremated .

  4. Hope的遗体将在周二火化。

    Hope will be cremated on Tuesday .

  5. 从B门进入预备室的尸体经过火化及冷却后仍然从B门出预备室捡取骨灰。

    When the body comes into the preparation room from Door B , after cremated and cooled , ashes will still come out of Door B to be picked up .

  6. 格蕾丝·赛德尔(GraceSeidel)去世时,她不会被葬在公墓里,也不会被火化。

    When Grace Seidel dies , she 's not goingto be buried in a cemetery . She won 't be crematedeither .

  7. 我有一个叫KatrinaSpade的同事,正在尝试开发一种系统,不把死者火化,而是把死者变成肥料。

    A colleague of mine named Katrina Spade is attempting to create a system , not of cremating the dead , but composting the dead .

  8. 埃克斯卡利伯是一条12岁的搜救犬,马德里地区政府官员哈维尔·罗德里格斯(JavierRodríguez)向记者证实了它的死亡,它的尸体将被火化。

    The death of Excalibur , a 12-year-old rescue dog , was confirmed to reporters by Javier Rodr í guez , an official from Madrid 's regional government , and the body is expected to be cremated .

  9. Serorrey殡仪馆位于墨西哥北部城市蒙特雷。殡仪馆主管佩德罗雷耶斯说,Serorrey拥有唯一能处理乌里韦遗体的火化设备。

    Funeral home director Pedro Reyes said Serorrey 's cremation facility was the only one in the northern city of Monterrey able to handle Uribe 's body .

  10. 那为什么他会在尸检之前就被火化。

    Why was he cremated before an autopsy could be performed .

  11. 论实现火化机全自动化控制的重要性

    On the Importance of Bringing about Automatic Control over Cremating Machine

  12. 浅谈催化燃烧法在火化机中的应用

    A Brief Talk on the Application of Catalytic Combustion to Cremating

  13. 我们把他火化了,他烧了三天。

    We had him cremated and he burned for three days .

  14. 按故乡的习俗,母亲的衣物是要火化的。

    According to custom , mother 's clothes should be cremated .

  15. 把他及时火化以把骨灰给他的遗孀吧。

    Cremating them in time to give them to his widow .

  16. 死人的尸体在埋葬或火化前存放的地方。

    A place where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation .

  17. 采取尸体火化措施之后,这种传染病开始消退。

    When cremation began , the epidemic begin to subside .

  18. 遵循你母亲生前预嘱中的要求,她是被火化的。

    Your mother was cremated per the instructions in her living will .

  19. 她的遗体以另一化名已予火化。

    Her body was cremated by using an assumed name .

  20. 在埋葬或火化前为死者举行的仪式。

    A ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated .

  21. 你遇到过一个空棺材被火化的情况吗?

    Do you ever get cases of an empty coffin being buried ?

  22. 你将被立刻带往该处火化。

    You will be taken there immediately , and you will burn .

  23. 泰国的寺庙通常有殡仪业者准备火化尸体。

    Temples in Thailand typically have morticians who prepare bodies for cremation .

  24. 她们准备了一堆材要把他的身体火化。

    They prepared a pile and were going to burn his body .

  25. 我不知道为什么会有人想要给火化。

    I do not know why anyone would want to be cremated .

  26. 卡特:我肯定希望自己被火化。

    Carter : I definitely wanna have myself cremated .

  27. 绿色火化炉控制系统的设计

    Design of The Control System of Green Crematory Furnace

  28. 仿真技术在火化工行业中的应用

    The Application of Simulation Technology in the Explosive Industry

  29. 尸体被埋葬或被火化的箱子。

    In which a corpse is buried or cremated .

  30. 我厂的捡灰火化机使用寿命是其他厂家的2&3倍。

    The service life of cremation ashes machines is2-3 times longer than others .