
  • 网络Lava
  1. 烟羽达三英里高,火山岩浆从喷发地点流出0.5英里。

    The smoke plume was three miles high and lava flowed about a half mile from the eruption .

  2. 1977年,时速超过了60英里的火山岩浆顺山坡袭来,这是有记载以来岩浆流淌速度最快的一次。

    In 1977 lava raced down the mountain at more than 60 miles an hour , the fastest ever observed .

  3. 本研究为理解胜利油田火山岩浆演化过程及CO2气藏形成的岩浆去气机制提供了信息和证据。

    This study has contributed to a better understanding of the evolution of magma and the magma-degassing mechanism of the formation of CO2 gas pools in the Shengli Oilfield .

  4. 清末新政时期的西北工矿业探析相山铀矿田火山岩浆期后成矿热液系统

    Metallogenic hydrothermal solution system of post volcanic magma in Xiangshan ore field

  5. 构造动力-火山岩浆同步一体成矿机制&以江西银山金铜多金属矿床为例

    Tectono-Dynamic-Volcano-Magmatic Synchronic Metallogenic Mechanism : an Example from Yinshan Polymetallic Ore Deposit

  6. 应用一种数学模拟探讨滁县火山岩浆的成因


  7. 长江中下游地区白垩纪富碱火山岩浆作用

    Cretaceous Alkali-Rich Magmatism in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River

  8. 中国东部燕山期火山岩浆大爆发

    Strong Yanshanian volcanic_magmatic explosion in East China

  9. 研究结果表明,其成矿作用受统一的晚中生代大陆裂陷火山岩浆活动控制;

    It is a famous metallogenic region of Mesozoic volcanic hydrothermal type U-An-polymetallic deposits in China .

  10. 复兴&杜荒岭金矿化区与中生代火山岩浆活动有关。

    The gold mineralization district of Fuxing-Duhuangling mineralization district is relative to the activity of Mesozoic volcanic magma .

  11. 矿田内各类型金矿属与碱性潜火山岩浆期后浅成低温热液有关的石英-萤石-冰长石-绢云母型富碲金矿。

    Gold deposits in this area were quartz-fluorite-adularia-sericite-rich tellurium gold deposit associated with shallow epithermal in alkali subvolcanic magma .

  12. 本区火山岩浆可划分为钙碱性岩浆系列和亚碱性岩浆系列,火山岩浆源于富集型地幔;

    The volcanic magmas , including calcium-alkali magmatic series and sub-alkali magmatic series , were derived from the enriched mantle .

  13. 根据二氧化碳气田气体组分和碳同位素分析,认为济阳坳陷二氧化碳气的成因为幔源-火山岩浆型。

    On the basis of gas ingredients and carbon isotopes , the carbondioxide gas in Jiyang basin is from mantle volcanic magma .

  14. 由此确定本矿床系后成中低温热液铀矿床,成矿物质主要来源于基底岩石,经重熔的火山岩浆富集后提供成矿。

    Metallogenetic material was mainly derived from basement rocks , and provided to form ore deposit through enrichment by remelted volcanic magma .

  15. 成矿物质源于碱性玄武岩浆,基性次火山岩浆多次脉动式入侵是矿床形成的必要条件。

    The metallogenic material was from deep alkalic basaltic magma , and the pulsatory invasion was the necessary metallogenic condition of the ore deposit .

  16. 据此,再造了造山带的形成过程与演化历史:印支期的大规模俯冲造山作用(238~210Ma),形成义敦火山岩浆弧;

    The formation and evolution were reconstructed . A large-scale Indosinian subduction-orogenesis led to the formation of the Yidun magmatic arc ( 238-210 Ma ) .

  17. 由安粗岩系和钙碱性岩系组成的一个新的火山岩浆作用构造类型,称之为走滑大陆边缘&拉分张裂性火山岩系。

    A new tectonic type of volcanism composed of the latite series and calc alkaline series is called the strike slip continental margin pull apart tensile fracture volcanic series .

  18. 云南位于喜马拉雅-特提斯构造域与滨太平洋构造域的复合部位,地质构造十分复杂,新生代火山岩浆活动激烈。

    Yunnan is located in the composite part of the Himalayan-Tethys structural domain and the circum-pacific structural domain , with very complicated geological structures and intensive Cenozoic volcanic magmatism .

  19. 洋陆板块互动方式的更迭及速率的变化是火山岩浆作用地球动力学深部发展过程的主控因素。

    The changes in the mode and rate of movements of oceanic and continental plates is the main controlling factor for the process of dynamic development of volcanism at depths .

  20. 因而,由火山岩浆活动所形成的金属矿床与非金属矿床不仅与岩相、构造有密切联系,而且与岩浆热液活动机理亦密切相关。

    Thus , the formation of metal and non-metallic deposits is closely linked not only with the lithofacies and structures , but also closely related to the ore-forming fluid activity mechanism .

  21. 作者的研究揭示,海底块状硫化物矿床的形成与拉张环境下火山岩浆的产生密切相关。

    Author 's studies reveal that there is clearly a close correlation between the processes of volcanic magma generation in tensional tectonic settings and the formation of sea-floor massive sulfide deposits .

  22. 可见,与相山火山岩浆活动有关的流体(水)&岩石相互作用促进了火山岩浆期后成矿流体演化,造就了铀成矿作用过程。

    So interaction of rock-fluid ( water ) which is close relation with volcanic magmatism facilitates evolution of metallogenic fluid in post volcanic magma , and produces process of uranium metallogenesis . 7 .

  23. 东南沿海晚白垩世火山岩浆活动特征及其构造背景呼伦贝尔盟和昭乌达盟晚侏罗世-白垩纪火山岩同位素年龄

    Characteristics and tectonic setting of Late Cretaceous volcanic magmatism in the coastal Southeast China . ISOTOPIC AGES OF THE UPPER JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS VOLCANIC ROCKS FROM THE HULUN BUIR LEAGUE AND THE JU UD LEAGUE , INNER MONGOLIA

  24. 由于印度板块向北强烈推挤,沿拉萨地体南缘的俯冲消减活动更加强烈,火山岩浆活动十分广泛,进一步形成了大量中酸性的钙碱性岛弧岩浆岩,如桑日岛弧等。

    Because of the northward compressing of Indian plate , the subduction along the south edge of Lhasa block was stronger . The volcanic magma activities were extensive , producing abundant intermediate-acid calcium alkaline island arc igneous rocks .

  25. 从火山岩浆作用、火山构造及围岩地层成矿条件,初步探讨了内生成矿控制因素,并指出火山岩型稀有稀土矿床在我国具有找矿前景。

    The controlling factors of endogenetic mineralization can be preliminary discussed from the condition of volcano-magmatism , volcano-tectonic and stratigraphic country rocks . It is pointed out that volcanite type rare metal deposit would be prospective in China .

  26. 本文从区域地质构造、火山岩浆活动、沉积作用、成矿围岩、蚀变、地球化学和地球物理学总结了华南铀矿成矿区域特征标志,对铀矿区域评价具有实际意义。

    Regional characteristic indications of uranium mineralization have been summarized from the aspects of geotectonics , volcanism-magmatism , sedimentation , host rocks , alteration , geochemistry and geophysics , which are of practical significance for regional uranium perspective evaluation .

  27. 由此可见,相山矿田不同期的高强度成矿作用相应发生于某一时空域内,是与区域构造环境密切相关的、火山岩浆期后热液系统演化的客观产物。

    Therefore , high-intensity metallogenesis of different stages in Xiangshan orefield correspondingly occurred in same time-space domain , was the objective product of hydrothermal solution system evolution of post volcanic magma which has close relation with regional tectonic environment . 2 .

  28. 在岩石学和微量元素地球化学研究的基础上,通过对不同类型矿床的成矿岩体及围岩条件的分析,探讨了中生代火山岩浆活动与金属成矿的关系。

    Based on petrological and trace element geochemical studies as well as an analysis of ore-forming rock bodies and wall rocks for different types of ore deposits , the present paper has probed into the relationship between Mesozoic volcano-magmatic activity and metallization .

  29. 计算表明,该方法克服了传统基于正演计算方法的诸多缺陷,是计算测深剖面泊松比分布的行之有效的方法,特别是在对火山岩浆系统及地壳断裂带研究中具有重要意义。

    Calculated results show that this technique overcomes some defects of traditional forward calculation method , and it is also very effective to determine Poisson ′ s ratio distribution of deep seismic sounding profile , especially useful for study on volcanic magma and crustal fault zone .

  30. 因此,可以根据造山带形成、演化不同阶段火山岩浆作用的特点来重溯造山带的构造-岩浆演化历史,进而从更大尺度上加以对比,探索全球动力学乃至比较行星动力学等重大科学问题。

    We might therefore retrace the tectono_magmatic evolutionary history of orogenic belts in the light of characteristics of volcanic magmatism at different forming and evolutionary stages of orogenic belts and further explore some important scientific problems of global dynamics and comparative planetary dynamics by means of comparison on larger scales .