- 网络Ring of fire;fire ring

[fire ring] 一种专为耐热设计中用的上活塞环,应用在某些二冲程柴油机中
The chain of volcanoes is known , appropriately enough , as the ' Ring of Fire ' .
New Zealand sits on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire , a vast area of unpredictable seismic activity .
Yes , as well as adding to the overall atmosphere the different weather effects will have an impact on a number of gameplay elements such as fire ring rates , morale , fatigue and accuracy .
He fly too close to the sun ... and he got burned .
The Pacific Ocean is surrounded by a belt of active volcanoes called the Circle of Fire .
The Philippines sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire where continental plates collide , causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity .
And for the northern Pacific , which is likewise compressing , land on all sides of the Ring of Fire will be affected .
Taiwan is but one of many places situated along the @ ring of fire @ encircling nearly half the globe around the Pacific ocean .
Compression of the Pacific caused plates to be pushed under others which caused violent Earthquakes and rapid mountain building particularly along regions of the Ring of Fire .
The two nations are located on what 's called " the Ring of Fire , a horseshoe shape line around the Pacific Ocean where there 's a lot of earthquake and volcanic activity .
This hybird solar eclipse will start with what it described as a ring of fire or partial eclipse , and many will shift to a total eclipse as the moon shadow sweeps across our planet .
The cake , ready by morning , would be surrounded by burning candles , in a kind of protective fire circle , and they would be kept lit all day , until dessert time at the evening meal .
Taiwan is but one of many places situated along the @ Ring of Fire @ encircling nearly half the globe around the Pacific Ocean . They remain above the same place on the earth and travel round it in a very high circle .
The Greater Fire Elemental has Fire Blast , Fire Nova , Fire Shield and is immune to Fire .