
huǒ kǒu
  • burner;crater
火口[huǒ kǒu]
  1. FC型复合式烧毛精加工火口的创新技术研究(下)

    A Study on Technical Innovation of FC Type Finely Processed Compound Burner for Singeing ( continued )

  2. 烧结机上冷却的工艺和设备[烧毛机]火口冷却装置

    Technique and equipment of on-machine cooling in sintering machine burner cooling system

  3. 更好的办法是象出火口那样安排成一个正方形。

    Better to arrange the dials in a square like the burners .

  4. 炉体采用独特的二次和上吸式火口设计,炉内热火均衡穿透性强。

    Furnace uses a unique secondary and upper suction Burner design , the furnace Heat balance of penetrating strong .

  5. 在火口周围形成小型的单喷发成因盾形火山锥,以及火口塌陷坑。

    Around a crater , there are shield-like cones produced by small single eruptions as well as collapsed pits .

  6. 总体来说,喷发年代越早,则分布距火口越远,其坡度越缓,高程也越低。

    Generally speaking , the earlier eruption was located far away from the Burner and the ease of its slope , and the lower elevation .

  7. 并且通过对矿料进料方式的改造,很好地解决了炉膛压力高,炉出火口易坍塌、冲刷严重、寿命短的问题。

    Through reconstruction of feeding methods , the problems of high pressure furnace , easily broken exit of oven , erosion and short life are solved .

  8. 在横向上据堆积物特点及其距火口远近程度划分出近源亚相、中源亚相和远源亚相。

    Horizontally , it has been divided nearly source , middle source and far source surfaices based on the depositional characteristics and the distance from the crater .

  9. 火坑直径225英尺,深99英尺。虽然它看起来很像地狱的入口,实际上却是一个天然气火口。

    The crater is 225 feet wide and 99 feet deep and while it does quite literally look like the entrance to hell , it 's actually a natural gas fire .

  10. 外热式圆筒烧毛机采用新型双狭缝辐射式高效火口加热圆筒,使织物经过灼热的圆筒表面进行接触式烧毛。

    The external heated singeing machine adopts the new type of double-slit radiant high-efficiency burner to heat the roller , fabrics pass through the hot surface of the roller for contact singeing .

  11. 对烧毛机火口的发展趋势作了论述,对各种火口的结构作了分析和对比,指出红外线火口、激光火口及无级调节幅度是火口的发展趋势。

    The development trend for burners is the theme of this article . Via analyzing and comparing structure of various burners , it pointed out that infrared burner , laser burner and infinite width adjustable burner will be popular in the near future .

  12. 作者对这次大会的有关内容,即烧毛火口的最新发展、松堆丝光工艺及其优点和冷轧堆一步法工艺作了进一步的阐述,并对后者作了不同角度的探讨。

    The author further expounded three academic reports of the seminar , i. e. , the latest development of singeing burner , the process of slack mercerizing and its merits , and a treatise on the process of cold pad-batch in one bath from different aspects .